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TAPI Support

The notification server can use the Microsoft Telephony Application Programming Interface (TAPI) to drive modem initialization for page requests that require a modem connection, instead of using its own internal modem driver. You can configure TAPI using the Windows Control Panel. TAPI allows you to set the options for your modem without impacting any existing application code using a GUI provided by the Control Panel modem icon. TAPI also allows you to initialize each modem using the manufacturer's modem driver written specifically for TAPI, rather than the modem driver internal to the notification server, which was written for standard modems. Nonstandard modems should specify TAPI for modem initialization.

To configure the notification server to use TAPI

  1. Install your modem on Windows:
    1. Click Start on the taskbar
    2. Choose Settings, Control Panel, and double-click the Phone and Modem Options icon.

      A wizard guides you through the process of installing your modem.

  2. Enable the communication port for TAPI:
    1. From Configuration Manager, choose Expert Interface, Notification Services, Paging, Alphanumeric Paging.

      The Alphanumeric Paging Options dialog displays.

    2. Select a COMPort from the Available paging devices list by clicking on the COMPort name.
    3. Check Use TAPI modem initialization
    4. Click OK.

    Note: Any COMPort that does not have a modem attached to it should have the Enable selected device for use by Notification Server box unchecked. This will prevent Notification Server service from attempting to access these COMPorts.