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Webshell Reference

The CA AppLogic® for System z webshell is a browser based alternative for the command line shell. It provides the same functionality as the shell and allows you to manipulate applications from within the editor.


The webshell copy/paste in Firefox uses a slightly more complex logic than the universal one in desktop applications. This is a result of the browser's default security settings, which do not allow direct access of javascript to the system clipboard. Granting javascript full access to it, can be a security hole exploited for malicious purposes and we do not recommend it. However, if you think this will not be a serious compromise for your security, you can follow the steps below to enable remote access to the clipboard.


with disabled javascript - to copy text from the shell you can use the Ctrl+Insert shortcut or the Copy option from the context menu which appears when you click the right mouse button. Both operations will open the copy/paste shell prompt which will contain the currently selected text in the webshell. From the copy/paste prompt you can use the standard shortcut Ctrl+C or the browser context menu (right-click with the mouse) to copy the text.

with enabled javascript - if javascript is enabled, the currently selected text is automatically appended to the clipboard so you don't have to use Ctrl+Insert or the context menu (although you still can).


with disabled javascript - to paste text from the shell you can use the Ctlr+V, Ctrl+Insert shortcuts or the Paste option from the context menu. Alternatively, you could use the middle mouse button, which will paste the current selection. All operations will open the copy/paste prompt which will contain the currently selected text in the webshell (or will be empty if no text is selected). To paste the text in the webshell click on the paste button of the prompt. This will insert the text in the webshell at the current position of the cursor.
Note: If you want to paste text from an outside source, use any of the shortcuts to open the copy/paste prompt and paste the content you want there. Then, simply use the Paste button to insert the text in the webshell.

with enabled javascript - if javascript is enabled, paste works in the universal way. The same shortcuts apply.

Granting javascript access to the system clipboard

Note: The line user_pref("capability.policy.allowclipboard.sites", ""); can contain multiple pages separated by spaces. You will have to replace the with the url of the page where javascript will have access to the clipboard.