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Config Files Tab

The Configuration Files property sheet lets you define a set of files on the appliance volumes that you want CA AppLogic® for System z to modify. All property values set on the appliance instance will propagate to these files. Such files, for example, would be httpd.conf for Apache web server appliance, my.cnf for MySQL database appliance, and so on.

Note: The Configuration Files property sheet is only supported if the configuration mode for the appliance is set to volfix. If the configuration mode for the appliance is set to dhcp, configuration settings must be handled internally by the appliance.

For each configuration file you want CA AppLogic® for System z to modify, add an entry in this list.


The appliance volume where the configuration file resides. Typically this is the boot volume, but in some cases you may want to have the a configuration file on a data volume. CA AppLogic® for System z can modify config files on instantiable and placeholder volumes that are not read-only.


The path to the configuration file that needs to be modified, relative to the root of the volume. For example, this may be /etc/my.cnf for MySQL's config file.

Quoting Method

The method that CA AppLogic® for System z will use to quote meta-characters in the value. A "meta-character" is any character that has a special meaning in the config file and must be quoted (or "escaped") in some manner to appear as a data character and not in its special-function role. Based on the type of configuration file you have, the quoting method can be set to one of the following values:
