Vorheriges Thema: interface infoNächstes Thema: interface list

interface info Output

Dieses Thema enthält Befehlsausgabespezifikationen.

Die Ausgabe dieses Befehls ist Folgende:

Name              : <val>
Type              : <val>
State             : <val>
IP                : <val>
MAC               : <val>
VLAN ID           : <val> (only if --verbose)
Metered RX Packets: val   (only if --verbose and maintainer)
Metered TX Packets: val   (only if --verbose and maintainer)
Metered RX Bytes  : val   (only if --verbose and maintainer)
Metered TX Bytes  : val   (only if --verbose and maintainer)
Connections       :       (only if --verbose)
   Local IP        Remote IP       Type            Local Addr        Remote Addr
   <val>           <val>           <val>           <val>             <val>
interface <name>
   type       = <val>
   state      = <val>
   ip         = <val>
   mac        = <val>
   device     = <val>
   vlan_id    = <val>        (only if --verbose)
   metered_rx_pkts  = <val>  (only if --verbose and maintainer)
   metered_tx_pkts  = <val>  (only if --verbose and maintainer)
   metered_rx_bytes = <val>  (only if --verbose and maintainer)
   metered_tx_bytes = <val>  (only if --verbose and maintainer)
   connections (only if --verbose)
      loc_ip = <val>, rem_ip = <val>, type = <val>, loc_addr = <val>, rem_addr = <val>