Vorheriges Thema: grid infoNächstes Thema: grid modify_acl

grid info-Ausgabe

Dieses Thema enthält Befehlsausgabespezifikationen.

Die Ausgabe dieses Befehls ist folgende:

Grid Name          : val
Grid Description      : val
Grid Tag          : val (only displayed if --verbose is specified)
AppLogic Version      : val
System Uptime        : val
Controller Uptime      : val
Last Server Failure Time  : val (srv) (srv is only displayed if last server failure time is not 'none')
Last Metadata Backup    : val
Grid Reboot Required    : val (yes/no)
Controller Reboot Required : val (yes/no)
Controller IP        : val (only displayed if --verbose is specified)
Grid ID           : val (only displayed if --verbose is specified)
Current Time        : val (only displayed if --verbose is specified)
System Uptime        : val (only displayed if --verbose is specified)
Grid Public SSH Key     : val (only displayed if --verbose is specified)
HA State          : val
   Application HA State   : val
   Controller HA State   : val
   Backbone Network HA State: val
   External Network HA State: val
Switches          : (only displayed if --verbose is specified)
   ID    Name  Network Mode  Detection Method
   <val>  <val> <val>  <val> <val>
(network may be "backbone", "external" or "mixed")
(mode may be "active", "passive", or "mixed")
VLAN ID           : val (only displayed if --verbose is specified)
Application VLAN ID Ranges :   (only displayed if --verbose is specified)
Interface  Start    End
Public    <val>    <val>
             <val>    <val>
Private   <val>    <val>
             <val>    <val>

Default Locale       : val (only displayed if --verbose is specified)
Available Locales      : (only displayed if --verbose is specified)
   ID      Description
   <val>     <val>

Server Management Mode   : val
Total servers        : val
Servers running       : val
Servers enabled       : val
Applications running    : val
Hyperthreading              : val (on, off, or mixed)
Bandwidth Oversubscription : val (on, off, or mixed)
Disk NCQ Enabled      : val (on, off, or mixed)
Jumbo Frames Mode           : val (auto, enabled, or disabled)
Jumbo Frames Status        : val (on, off, or mixed)
Volume Repair Speed         : val (num KB/sec or mixed)

Resource Information        : (per hypervisor info is only displayed if --verbose is specified and there
are different hypervisors running on the servers of the grid.)
Entity  Resource Count  Total    Reserved    Alloc   Service    Free   Load
Grid   CPU    val    val      val     val      -    val    val
         MEM    -     val GB     val GB    val MB     -    val GB   -
         BW    -     val Gbps    val Mbps   val Mbps    -    val Gbps  -
         DISK   val    val TB     val GB    val TB     -    val TB   -
<hvisor> CPU    val    val      val     val      -    val    val
         MEM    -     val GB     val GB    val MB     -    val GB   -
         BW    -     val Gbps    val Mbps   val Mbps    -    val Gbps  -
         DISK   val    val TB     val GB    val TB     -    val TB   -
... (next hypervisor)

SSL SHA1 Fingerprint    : val (only displayed if --verbose is specified and present)
Application DNS1      : val (only displayed if --verbose is specified)
Application DNS2      : val (only displayed if --verbose is specified)
Application DNS3      : val (only displayed if --verbose is specified)
Application IP Ranges    : (only displayed if --verbose is specified)
   Start    End    Netmask   Gateway
   Val     val    val     val

Wenn die Option "--batch" angegeben wird, ist die Ausgabe Folgende:

grid <name>
   description     = "val"
   tag         = "val" (only displayed if --verbose is specified)
   version       = "val"
   controller_ip    = val (only displayed if --verbose is specified)
   grid_id       = val (only displayed if --verbose is specified)
   current_time     = n_secs (only displayed if --verbose is specified)
   timezone       = "val" (only displayed if --verbose is specified)
   system_uptime    = n_secs
   controller_uptime  = n_secs
   last_srv_failure_time= tstamp
   last_failed_srv   = val
   last_metadata_backup_time= tstamp
   grid_reboot_required = val
   ctl_reboot_required = val
   grid_public_ssh_key = "val" (only displayed if --verbose is specified)
   ha_state       = "val"
   ha_state_apps    = "val"
   ha_state_controller = "val"
   ha_state_backbone  = "val"
   ha_state_network   = "val"
      id = <val>, name = <val>, network = <val>, mode = <val>, manufacturer = <val>, model = <val>, detection_method = "<val>"
   vlan_id       = val (only displayed if --verbose is specified)
   app_vlan_id_ranges     (only displayed if --verbose is specified)
         start=<val>, end=<val>
         start=<val>, end=<val>
   dflt_locale     = "val" (only displayed if --verbose is specified)
   locales (only displayed if --verbose is specified)
      id = <val>, description = "<val>"
   srv_mgmt_mode    = "val"
   srv_total      = val
   srv_running     = val
   srv_enabled     = val
   app_running     = val
   vol_repair_speed       = val
   jumbo_frames_mode   = val
   jumbo_frames_status   = val
   cpu_total       = val
   cpu_reserved      = val
   cpu_free        = val
   cpu_load        = val
   cpu_ht_enabled         = val  (on, off, or mixed)
   cpu_alloc       = val
   mem_total       = val
   mem_reserved      = val
   mem_free        = val
   mem_alloc       = val
   mem_hypervisor     = val
   bw_total        = val
   bw_reserved      = val
   bw_free        = val
   bw_alloc        = val
   bw_oversubscription  = val
   disk_n         = val
   disk_total       = val
   disk_reserved     = val
   disk_free       = val
   disk_ncq_enabled    = val
   resources (pool name is name of hypervisor - per hypervisor information is only displayed if --verbose is specified and not all grids run the same hypervisor)
      pool <name> : cpu_total=<val>, cpu_reserved=val, cpu_free=val, cpu_load=val,  cpu_alloc=val, mem_total=val, mem_reserved=val, mem_free=val, mem_alloc=val, mem_hypervisor=val, bw_total=val, bw_reserved=val, bw_free=val, bw_alloc=val, disk_n=val, disk_total=val, disk_reserved=val, disk_free=val
   ssl_sha1_fingerprint = "val" (only displayed if --verbose is specified and present)
   app_dns1       = val (only displayed if --verbose is specified)
   app_dns2       = val (only displayed if --verbose is specified)
   app_dns3       = val (only displayed if --verbose is specified)
   app_ip_ranges (only displayed if --verbose is specified)
      start = val, end = val, netmask = val, gateway = val