前のトピック: server info

次のトピック: server list

server info の出力



--batch が指定されない場合の出力
Name                : val
State               : val | val (disabled) if server is disabled
   Reason           : val (only if state is not up and not empty
   User Responsible : val (only if state is not up and not empty
Reboot Required     : val (only if flagged for reboot)
HA Role             : val
UID                 : val (only if --extended)
Current Time        : val (only if --extended)
Uptime              : val (only if --extended)
Boot ID             : val (only if --extended)
Management Enabled  : val (only if --extended)
Bandwidth Oversubscription Enabled : val (yes/no - only if --extended)
Disk NCQ Enabled                   : val (yes/no - only if --extended)
Volume Repair Speed                : val KB/sec (only if --extended)

--- IP Information --- (only if maintainer)
Private             : val
Public              : val

--- Hypervisor Information ---
Hypervisor Name        : val
License Key            : val (only if maintainer)
License Type           : val (only if maintainer)
License Expiration Date: val (only if maintainer)
Supported Virtualization Modes: "val"

--- Network Information ---  (only if maintainer and --extended)
Network  HA Mode         NIC   Switch      State           MAC
backbone none|           ethN  <switch-id> up|down|active  xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
         active-passive| ethN  <switch-id> up|down|active  xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
external none|           ethN  <switch-id> up|down|active  xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
         active-passive| ethN  <switch-id> up|down|active  xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
         active-active                                         …

-- Switch Information --- (only if maintainer and --extended)
ID      Name             Detection Method
<id>    <name>            <val>

-- BIOS Information --- (only if --extended)
Vendor              : val
Version             : val
Date                : val

-- Motherboard Information --- (only if --extended)
Manufacturer        : val
Model               : val
Version             : val

--- CPU Information ---
Type                : val
Frequency           : val
Bogomips            : val
Load                : val

--- Disk Check Information ---
Supported               :  val (displayed only if --extended is specified)
Enabled                 :  val (displayed only if --extended is specified)

--- Resource Information ---
Resource  Count   Total       Reserved        Alloc      Service       Free
CPU       val       val            val          val            -        val
MEM       -         val unit       val unit     val unit     val unit   val unit
BW        -         val unit       val unit     val unit       -        val unit
DISK      val       val unit       val unit     val unit       -        val unit
If --map is specified, a list of application components running on the server is displayed with the following information specified for each component:
--- Components ---
   (Table with the following headings: Name, State, CPU, Memory(MB), Bandwidth(Mbps)
--batch が指定された場合の出力
server <name>
   state                    = "val"
   down_reason              = val (only if state is not up and not empty)
   user_responsible         = val (only if state is not up and not empty))
   enabled                  = val
   reboot_required          = val
   ha_role                  = val
   uid                      = "val" (only if --extended)
   current_time             = val (only if --extended
   uptime                   =  val (only if --extended)
   boot_id                  = "val" (only if --extended)
   mgmt_enabled             = val (only if --extended)
   vol_repair_speed         = val (only if --extended)
   jumbo_frames_enabled     = val (only if --extended)
   ip1                      = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (only if maintainer)
   ip2                      = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (only if maintainer)
   hypervisor_name          = "val"
   hypervisor_lic_key       = "val" (only if maintainer)
   hypervisor_lic_type      = "val" (only if maintainer)
   hypervisor_lic_exp_date  = "val" (only if maintainer)
   supported_virt_modes     = "val"

   network backbone (only if maintainer and --extended)
      ha_mode = val
      nic ethN : switch = <id>, mac = val, state = val
      nic ethN : switch = <id>, mac = val, state = val
   network external (only if maintainer and --extended)
      ha_mode = val
      nic ethN : switch = <id>, mac = val, state = val
      nic ethN : switch = <id>, mac = val, state = val
      <id>=<val>, name=<val>, manufacturer=<val>, model=<val>, detetction_method=<val>

   bios_vendor              = "val" (only if --extended)
   bios_version             = "val" (only if --extended)
   bios_date                = "val" (only if --extended)
   motherboard_manufacturer = "val" (only if --extended)
   motherboard_model        = "val" (only if --extended)
   motherboard_version      = "val" (only if --extended)
   hvm_support              = val
   cpu_phy_total            = val
   cpu_total                = val
   cpu_type                 = "val"
   cpu_freq                 = val
   cpu_bogomips             = val
   cpu_load                 = val
   cpu_reserved             = val
   cpu_free                 = val
   cpu_alloc                = val
   mem_total                = val
   mem_reserved             = val
   mem_free                 = val
   mem_alloc                = val
   mem_hypervisor           = val
   bw_total                 = val
   bw_reserved              = val
   bw_free                  = val
   bw_alloc                 = val
   bw_oversubscription_enabled = val (only if --extended)
   n_disks                  = val
   disk_total               = val
   disk_reserved            = val
   disk_free                = val
   disk_check_supported     = val (only displayed if --extended is specified)
   disk_check_enabled       = val (only displayed if --extended is specified)
   disk_ncq_enabled         = val (only if --extended)

If --map is specified, the following is displayed for each component/system VM running on the server
   component <name>: state = val, cpu =  val , mem =  val ,  bw =  val