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Update Nodes

CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager lets you update information about nodes that were added previously. You update nodes when the following conditions arise:

Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the application.

    From the Navigation Bar on the home page, select Node.

    The Node screen displays.

  2. From the Groups bar, click the All Nodes group or click the group name containing the nodes that you want to update.

    The nodes that are associated with the group appear in the nodes list.

  3. Click the nodes that you want to update and then right-click and click Update Node from the pop-up menu.

    The Update Node dialog opens.

    Note: To update all nodes in the node group, right-click the Node Group name and then click Update Node from the pop-up menu.

  4. Update the node details as needed.

    Note: To update multiple nodes on the Node list, select the desired nodes, right-click any node, and click Update Node from the pop-up menu. The user name and password are the same for all selected nodes. By default, the Specify new credentials option and the Take control of the node check box is selected. You can specify a new user name and password for the selected nodes and can force this server to manage the nodes. In addition, you can select Use existing credentials to apply the current user name and password. The fields become disabled.

  5. Click OK.

    The Update Node dialog closes and the nodes are updated.

    Note: When you update one or more of the fields described in the previous step, the Update Node dialog opens to let you specify more details.

    Update Node dialog for CA ARCserve D2D or CA ARCserve Backup changes

  6. (Optional) If the updated information does not display in the node list, click Refresh on the toolbar.

The node is updated.