Each time CA ARCserve D2D performs a successful backup, a point-in-time snapshot image of your backup is also created. This collection of recovery points allows you to locate and specify exactly which backup image you want to restore. For Microsoft Exchange Server, you can then browse these recovery points to locate the individual objects (mailboxes, mailbox folders, or mail) that you want to recover. To perform an Exchange Granular Restore, the account must have the required permissions. For more information, see Exchange Account Required Permissions.
Note: For Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 and later, Messaging API (MAPI) is a prerequisite for Exchange Granular Restore. If MAPI is not installed on your Exchange Server, mailbox or mail level granular restores may fail. For more information about installing MAPI on your Exchange Server, see the Microsoft Download Center.
To restore Microsoft Exchange email data
From the Node screen, expand the group containing the node that you want to restore.
Click the check box next to the node that you want to restore and then click Restore on the toolbar.
The Restore Exchange Mails dialog opens.
The calendar view highlights (in green) all dates during the displayed time period that contain recovery points for that backup source.
The corresponding Exchange mailbox databases for that date are displayed, along with the time of the backup, the type of backup that was performed, and the name of the backup.
Note: A notification message is displayed asking you if you want to generate an Exchange Granular Restore catalog at this time. If you select No for generating a catalog now, you will not be able to browse to or select a granular recovery point. As a result you will only be able to perform full database restore from the Browse Recovery Points Restore dialog.
The Restore Options dialog is displayed and the corresponding list of mailbox content for the selected database is listed.
Note: Only email restore is supported. Restoring Calendar, Contacts, Notes and Tasks items is not supported.
Note: You can select the entire content, partial content, or multiple Exchange objects to restore.
Note: For Exchange 2003 only, if the individual mail was restored and sent by any email client other than Outlook with some type of flag status marker attached to it when it was backed up, then the mail itself becomes restored, but the attached marker will not be included with the restored mail.
The available options are to restore to the original location of the backup or restore to a different location.
Restores the mails to the original location from where the backup image was captured. Mails will retain the same hierarchy and be restored to its original mailbox and original folder.
Restores the mails to a disk. This disk location must be a local path. The restored mails will maintain the same hierarchy as they had in the corresponding Exchange Mailbox. The file name is the subject of mail.
Note: If the mail subject, folder name, or mailbox name includes any of the following characters, the character will be replaced by hyphen (-) in file name: \ / : * ? " < > |
There are two options to resolve a conflict situation in a File System. Two files in File System cannot exist under the same folder, while Exchange mails can.
Restores the mails to a specified location or lets you browse to the location where your backup images are restored. The destination must be a mailbox in the same Exchange organization, and a new folder name is required. (If you are attempting to restore mails to an alternate location, the destination cannot be a public folder).
After specifying the User Name and Password, click the Browse button to navigate through a list of all Exchange Servers, Storage Groups, Exchange Databases, and Mailboxes in the current organization.
Select any mailbox as the destination.
The Restore Summary dialog is displayed.
Note: When the Catalog and Restore Job for Exchange Granular Restore is in progress, the backup session is in a mounted state. Do not perform any operation (format, change drive letter, delete partition, etc.) on this mounted volume.
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