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Restore Data from Recovery Points

The Browse Recovery Points lets you restore any applications by browsing for the available recovery points (successful backups) from a calendar view.

To restore data from recovery points

  1. Log in to the application and click Node on the Navigation bar.
  2. From the Node screen, expand the group containing the node that you want to restore.

    Click the check box next to the node that you want to restore and then click Restore on the toolbar.

  3. From the Restore dialog, click Browse Recovery Points.

    The Browse Recovery Points dialog opens.

  4. Specify the Backup Location or browse to the location where your backup images are stored.

    Note: You can click the green arrow by the Browse button to validate the connection to the specified backup destination. You may have to enter the user name and password credentials to connect to a remote network share.

    The calendar view highlights all dates in green, during the displayed time period that contain recovery points for that backup source.

  5. Specify the information to restore.
    1. Select the calendar date for the backup image you want to restore.

      The corresponding recovery points for that date are displayed, along with the time of the backup, the type of backup that was performed, the name of the backup, and the catalog status.

    2. Select a recovery point that you want to restore.

      The corresponding backup content (including any applications) for that recovery point is displayed.

    3. Select the content to be restored.
      • For a volume-level restore, you can specify to restore the entire volume or selected files or folders within the volume.
      • For an application-level restore, you can specify to restore the entire application or selected components, databases, instances, and so on within the application.

    Click Next.

    The Restore Options dialog is displayed.

  6. Select the destination for the restore.

    The available options are to restore to the original location of the backup or restore to a different location.

    Restore to Original Location

    Restores to the original location from where the backup image was captured.

    Note: When restoring the CA ARCserve D2D logs folder to the original location, the files that are in the logs folder are skipped. For CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup, this option is disabled by default. To use it, install CA ARCserve D2D inside the Guest OS and then restore.

    Restore to:

    You can either specify a location or browse to the location where your backup images are to be restored. You can click on the green arrow icon button to verify the connection to the specified location.

    If necessary, you will need to enter the User Name and Password credentials to gain access to that location.

  7. Select the option on how CA ARCserve D2D can resolve conflicts that are encountered during the restore process.

    The available options are:

    Overwrite existing files

    Overwrites (replaces) any existing files that are located at the restore destination. All objects will be restored from the backup files regardless of their current presence on your machine.

    Replace active files

    Replaces any active files upon reboot. If during the restore attempt CA ARCserve D2D discovers that the existing file is currently in use or being accessed and it will not immediately replace that file, but instead to avoid any problems, it will delay the replacement of the active files until the next time the machine is rebooted. (The restore will occur immediately, but the replacement of any active files is done during the next reboot).

    Note: If this option is not selected, then any active file is skipped from the restore.

    Rename files

    Creates a new file if the file name already exists. Selecting this option will copy the source file to the destination with the same filename but a different extension. Data is then restored to the new file.

    Skip existing files

    Skips over and not overwrite (replace) any existing files that are located at the restore destination. Only objects that do not currently existing on your computer will be restored from the backup files.

    By default, this option is selected.

  8. (Optional) Select Create root directory from the Directory Structure.

    This allows CA ARCserve D2D to recreate the same root directory structure on the restore destination path.

    Note: If this option is not selected, the file or folder to be restored is restored directly to the destination folder.

  9. Enter the backup encryption password to restore the encrypted data and then click Next.

    The Restore Summary dialog is displayed.

  10. Review the displayed information to verify that all the restore options and settings are correct.

If the summary information is correct, click Finish to launch the restore process.