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Add Nodes by Importing Virtual Machines from ESX/VC

This Add Node option lets you find and add all virtual machines on an ESX or vCenter Server host you specify.

Note: Machines with VMware tools installed are the only virtual machines that can be found.

To add nodes by importing virtual machines from ESX/VC

  1. Log in to the application and click Nodes on the Navigation bar.

    The Nodes screen opens.

  2. From the Node toolbar, click Add and then click Import virtual machines from ESX/VC on the pop-up menu.

    The Discover Nodes dialog opens.

  3. Complete the following fields on the Discover Nodes dialog

    Click Connect.

    The application scans the specified hypervisor.

  4. After the scan is complete, click Next.

    The Node Credentials dialog opens.

  5. On the Node Credentials dialog, provide a global User Name and Password for all virtual machines detected and click Apply to selected.
  6. (Optional) Click a virtual machine to enter the specific credentials for the virtual machine.
  7. Click Finish.

The virtual machines you selected are added to the Node Group.