Introducing CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager › How the Application Works
How the Application Works
CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager lets you view and manage protected nodes from central location.
Start the CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager by selecting the Start menu > All Programs > CA > ARCserve Central Applications > CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager. The CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager home page appears where you can access any CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager function using the following navigational features:
- Node--Lets you use various tools to manage nodes and node groups, discover nodes, deploy CA ARCserve D2D to nodes, and synchronize data.
- Policies--Lets you add, edit, delete, copy, and assign CA ARCserve D2D policies. This feature displays the policy details and lets you assign or unassign a node from its corresponding CA ARCserve D2D policy.
- Configuration--Lets you configure the settings for the database, CA ARCserve Backup Data Synchronization, SRM, Discover, Email Configuration, Update Configuration, Preferences, Administrator Account, D2D Deployment, and IT Management Server.
- View Logs--Lets you view logs of activities for each individual node. CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager displays all log messages that are associated with that node. You can filter the list by specifying the following options:
- Severity (All, Information, Errors, Warnings, or Errors and Warnings)
- Module (All, Common, Import Nodes from Discovery, Import Nodes from Hypervisor, Import Nodes from File, Policy Management, CA ARCserve Backup Synchronization, CA ARCserve D2D Synchronization, Updates for CA ARCserve D2D, Updates, Submit CA ARCserve D2D Backup Jobs, Upldate Multiple Nodes, and CA ARCserve D2D Merge Job)
- Node Name
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