Getting Started With CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager › Configure Discovery Schedules
Configure Discovery Schedules
You can configure the Discovery schedule for nodes on a repeating basis and on a scheduled time. By default, Discovery Configuration is disabled. To enable the configuration, click the Enable option to specify the type of repeating method that you want and a scheduled time for the node discovery to begin. You can specify the following parameters to configure your Discovery schedule:
- Every number of days--Lets you repeat this method on the number of days that are specified. (Default)
- Every selected day of the week--Lets you repeat this method on the days that are specified. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are the default days of the week.
- Every selected day of the month--Lets you repeat this method on the specified day of the month. 1 is the default option for the day of the month.
An Active Directory list is displayed for you to view when setting up a schedule to discover nodes.
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