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Value and Description


Qualified generic name of source file or files which are to be scanned

  • *LIBL/Q*: (default) Value
  • *MBRLST: Use the named member list to obtain source member names


Generic name of source members to scan

  • *ALL: (default) Search all source members


A list of up to ten search elements. Each element in the list is made up of the following seven fields

  • The logical operation for combining this element with other elements.
  • *IF: (default) Only valid for the first element
  • *AND: This element combines with the previous element(s) in an *OR group
  • *OR: This element starts a new *OR group
  • Search mask: Up to 21 characters. Can contain any character. Lower case characters should be enclosed in quotes, for example, ‘qtxt’. The mask may contain the wild card character specified by the WILDCHAR parameter.
  • *BLANK: (default) Scan for blank characters
  • *ANY: All source records are selected. This option normally is used in combination with the SCNCHGDTE parameter
  • Length of search mask
  • *LEN: (default) Use search mask up to last non-blank
  • 1-21: Use specified length
  • Case-Sensitive option
  • *YES: (default) Treat upper and lower case characters as different for comparison purposes
  • *NO: Ignore differences between upper and lower case for comparison purposes. Thus a search mask value of ‘a’ is matched with both a and A



  • True/False option
  • *TRUE: Search mask must be in the line
  • *FALSE: Search mask must NOT be in the line
  • Starting column at which to begin search
  • 1: (default) Value
  • 1-80: Start scanning at this column
  • Ending column for search.
  • 80: (default) value.
  • 1-80: stop scanning at this column


Source change date for which to scan. Only records which meet the specified date criteria (in addition to any search criteria specified by the SELN parameter) is selected

  • *NONE: (default)Do not scan for source change dates
  • Otherwise, SCNCHGDTE is a list parameter made up of the following two elements:
  • Relational operator for selection of changed source records
  • – *EQ: (default) Scan records which were changed on a specified date
  • – *GT: Scan records which were changed after a specified date
  • – *LT: Scan records which were changed before a specified date
  • – Source change date for which to scan in QDATFMT format


Character used as a dummy in any search mask; will match any character during the scan

  • ‘?’: (default) value


Flag value of list items to be processed

  • *ANY: (default) Scan all items in list
  • Otherwise, FLAGVAL is a list parameter which is used to determine whether the list item will be scanned. It is made up of the following two elements:
  • Relational operator for selection of flags
  • – *EQ: (default) Equal to
  • – *NE: Not equal to
  • Flag value
  • – Single character flag value or one of the special flag values


Scan stop option: denotes whether to stop scanning a specific member after finding a line which satisfies the search conditions

  • *ALL: (default) Scan and print all lines
  • *FIRST: Stop after finding one instance of the search string in the member


Qualified name of exit program to be called for user- defined override of match selection

  • *NONE: Do not call an exit program


Print option

  • *PRINT: (default) Print a report of lines found
  • *NONE: Do not print a report


Update member list option

  • *NO: (default) Do not update the member list
  • *YES: Update the member list by removing members which do not contain the search string. This is equivalent to *RMVERR.
  • Or up to two of the following values:
  • *FLAGERR: (default) If a member does not contain the specified search string, then its list entry is to be flagged with the value specified by the OUTFLAGVAL.
  • *FLAGOK: If a member does contain the specified search string, then its list entry is to be flagged with the value specified by the OUTFLAGVAL
  • *RMVERR: If a member does not contain the specified search string, then its list entry is to be removed from the list (equivalent to *YES)
  • *RMVOK: If the member does contain the specified search string, then its list entry is to be removed from the list
  • If more than one value is specified, *RMVERR + *FLAGOK and *RMVOK + *FLAGERR are the only valid combinations


Qualified name of a member list

  • QTEMP/TEMPLST: (default) List name


List edit option

  • *NO:(default) No editing is required
  • *YES: Invoke the edit member list function to edit the list before executing the scan


Flag value to be given to selected items in resulting list if UPDMBRLST is *FLAGOK or *FLAGERR

  • Single character flag value or one of the special flag values


Qualified name of member list to which selected entries are copied

  • *NONE: (default) Selected list entries are not copied to an output list
  • QTEMP/TEMPLSTOUT: Default output list name


Output list replacement option for the list specified by the OUTLST parameter

  • *REPLACE: (default) Creates a new output list, replacing any previous list’s contents
  • *ADD: Add to any existing list’s contents