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Value and Description


Qualified generic name of source file or files which are to be scan/replaced

  • *MBRLST: (default) Use the named member list to obtain source member names


Generic name of source members to scan/replace

  • *ALL: (default) Search all source members in specified file or files


Search mask: Characters that are replaced

  • String of up to 80 characters. Strings that contain embedded blanks or lower case characters should be enclosed in quotes


Length of search mask

  • *SCNVAL: (default) Use search mask up to last non-blank character
  • 1-80: Use specified length


Column range in source that is to be scanned for the search mask. Made up of two values

  • Starting column in source line for search
  • – 1: (default) Value
  • – 1-240: Column number at which to start scanning
  • Ending column source line for search
  • – 80: (default) Value
  • – 1-240: Column number at which to stop scanning (must be greater than or equal to start column number)


Case-sensitive option on search

  • *YES: (default) Treat upper and lower case characters as different for comparison purposes when searching for occurrences of the specified string
  • *NO: Ignore differences between upper and lower case for comparison purposes


Character to be used as a "dummy" in any search mask; any character counts as a match during the search

  • ‘?’: (default) Value


Replacement string of characters that is to replace the character string specified by the SCNVAL parameter

  • *SCNVAL: (default) Replacement string is same as scan string
  • Character string up to 80 characters long. If the string contains embedded blanks or lower case characters, it should be enclosed in quotes


Length of replacement string

  • *RPLVAL: (default) Use replacement string up to last non-blank character
  • 1-80: Use specified length


Compress or expand line

  • *YES: (default) If replace length is different from scan length, justify line to omit/or insert blanks. If there is insufficient space, line is not adjusted
  • *NO: Do not justify line. If replacement length is shorter than scan length, blanks will be inserted. If it is longer, it is shortened


Print option

  • *PRINT: (default) Print a report of lines changed
  • *NONE: Do not print report


Update source change dates.

  • *NO: (default) Do not update the source change dates
  • *YES: Update the source change date for each line amended


Update member list option.

  • *NO: (default) Do not update the member list
  • *YES: Delete all members in the list for which no lines satisfy the search


Prompt for confirmation

  • *NO: (default) No confirmation is required
  • *YES: Prompt for confirmation of each replacement of the search string


Qualified name of a member list

  • QTEMP/TEMPLST: (default) List name


List option

  • *NO: (default) No editing is required
  • *YES: Invoke the edit member list function to edit the list before executing the scan