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Value and Description


Qualified name of message files whose message descriptions are to be retrieved

  • QUSRMSG: (default) Message file name


Qualified name of source file into which the CL source member is to be placed

  • QCLSRC: (default) Source file name


Member name of CL member containing message descriptions

  • *MSGF:(default) Name is same as MSGF


Specifies a range of message identifiers within the specified message file for which statements are to be processed

  • *ALL: (default) Generate CL for all the messages

Otherwise, RANGE is a list parameter made up of the following two elements:

  • Starting message identifier: All message definitions with an identifier greater than or equal to this value will be retrieved.

    – *FIRST: Start at the first message description in the file.

  • Ending message identifier: All messages with an identifier less than or equal to this value are retrieved.

    – *LAST: Continue until the last message description in the file


Generation option: specifies whether the CL generation should be to add, change or remove the message descriptions

  • *ADDMSGD: (default) Generate CL statements to add the message descriptions to the named message file
  • *CHGMSGD: Generate CL statements to change the message descriptions in the named message file
  • *RMVMSGD: Generate CL statements to remove the message descriptions from the named message file


Specifies the syntax of the CL program generated

  • *NATIVE: (default) Generate i OS Native CL.
  • *S38: Generate S38 CL


Specifies whether to retrieve and include Creating level information (applicable to ADDMSGD only)

  • *YES: (default) Retrieve level
  • *NO: Do not retrieve level