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Value and Description


Qualified generic name of moved objects

  • *OBJLST: An object list specified by the OBJLST parameter, names the objects which are to be moved
  • *ALL: All objects in the specified libraries are to be moved


Lists object to be moved

  • *ALL: All object types are to be moved.\
  • If OBJ(*OBJLST) is specified then *ALL should be specified for OBJTYPE. Note that certain i OS object types may not be moved


Library to which non-data objects are to be moved

  • *NONE: Non-data objects are not moved
  • *CURLIB: Move non-data objects to current library


Destination library for data objects. Data objects include physical and logical files, and data areas

  • *TOLIBOBJ: (default) Move data objects to the library specified by the TOLIBOBJ parameter
  • *CURLIB: Move data objects to current library
  • *NONE: Data objects are not to be moved *NONE may not be specified for both TOLIBOBJ and TOLIBDTA


Movement option

  • *ALL: (default) All the found objects are to be moved
  • *OLD: Only found objects that already exist in the destination library are to be moved
  • *NEW: Only found objects that do not already exist in the destination library are to be moved


Transfer authorities

  • *NO: (default) No authorities are to be transferred
  • *YES: Any authorities that any existing version of the object in the library named by the TOLIB parameter possesses is granted to the object that replaces it


Library to place versions of the objects that already exist in the destination library.

  • *NONE: (default) If a copy of the object already exists in the destination library, that copy is deleted


Qualified name of message queue to which a completion message is to be sent for each object moved. May be used to provide a control log of program implementation

  • *NONE: (default) No message is sent
  • *WRKSTN: Messages are sent to the current workstation’s message queue


Flag value of list items to move

  • *ANY: (default) Move objects regardless of the flag values of their list entries
  • Otherwise, FLAGVAL is a list parameter made up of the following two elements:
  • Relational operator for selection of flags
  • – *EQ: (default) Equal to
  • – *NE: Not equal to
  • Flag value
  • – Single character flag value or one of the special flag values


List update option. Up to two of the following values

  • *FLAGERR: (default) Flag the list entries for those objects which are not successfully moved with O (*FAILOBJ)
  • *RMVOK: Remove the list entries for those objects which are successfully moved
  • *RMVERR: Remove the list entries for those objects items which are not successfully moved


Qualified name of object list that specifies objects that are to be moved

  • QTEMP/TEMPLST: (default) List name
  • Specify OBJ(*OBJLST) to use an existing list


Edit list

  • *NO: (default) Do not invoke list edit function
  • *YES: The edit list function is to be invoked before executing the move