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Value and Description


Qualified generic name of file containing members which are to be moved

  • *MBRLST: (default) Move members named in member list specified with the MBRLST parameter
  • *ALL: Move all files in the specified library


Generic name of members to be moved

  • *ALL: Move all members in the specified file or files


Destination library to which members are to be moved. A copy of the from file must already exist in the to library

  • *CURLIB (default) Move members to a file in the invoking job’s current library


Name of file in destination library

  • *FROMFILE: (default) Each member is moved to a file of the same name as the file in the from library containing the member


Movement option

  • *ALL: (default) All the found members are moved
  • *OLD: Only existing members in the destination file are to be moved
  • *NEW: Only found members that do not already exist in the destination file are moved


Name of archive library

  • *NONE: (default) No archive copy is kept,
  • If the member already exists in a file in the library specified by OLDLIB, it is replaced


Qualified name of message queue to which a completion message is to be sent for each member moved. May be used to provide a control log of program implementation

  • *NONE: (default) No message is sent.
  • *WRKSTN: Messages is sent to the current workstation’s message queue


Flag value of list items to move

  • A list parameter made up of the following two elements:
  • Relational operator for selection of flags
  • – *EQ: (default) Equal to
  • – *NE: Not equal to
  • Flag value
  • Single character flag value or one of the special flag values.
  • Otherwise *ANY executes all list entries


List update option

  • Up to two of the following values:
  • *FLAGERR: (default) List items not successfully moved are flagged with M (*FAILMBR)
  • *RMVOK: List items successfully moved are removed from the list
  • *RMVERR: List items not successfully moved are removed from the list


Qualified name of member list indicating members that are to be moved

  • QTEMP/TEMPLST: (default) List name
  • Specify FROMFILE(*MBRLST) to use an existing member list


Edit list required

  • *NO: (default) No editing required
  • *YES: The edit member list function is invoked to edit the list before execution