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Value and Description


Name of first menu which is displayed

  • MAIN: (default) Menu named MAIN is displayed
  • *Y1: The master help menu for the utilities is displayed
  • *Y2: The master help menu for the application generator is displayed
  • *SELECT: A list of available menus are displayed, one of which may be selected
  • *USER: A menu with the same name as the current user’s user profile is displayed


Qualified name of the file containing menus

  • YDSNMNU: (default) File name
  • *USRPRF: The menu file specified for the user profile with the command Change User Profile (YCHGUSRPRF) is used
  • *Y1: Help menu file
  • *Y2: Help menu file
  • *SELECT: A list of available menu files are displayed

    The file must be created with the YCRTDSNF command


Name of member in file containing the menus

  • *FILE: (default) The member name will be assumed to be the same as the file name.
  • *SELECT: A list of available menu file members are displayed


Qualified name of job description to be used by the menu program when submitting jobs

  • *USRPRF: (default) Job description specified for the user profile is used


Direct menu name entry allowed option

  • *YES: (default) Allow entry of menu names
  • *NO: Do not allow menu name entry


Command entry allowed option

  • *YES: (default) Allow entry of command requests
  • *NO: Do not allow command entry


Authority checking of menu options

  • *NO: (default) No authority checking of options in menu
  • *CHKOBJ: Authority checking of options in menu to take place


Allow exit from top menu by pressing F03

  • *YES: (default) Allow exit via F03
  • *NO: Do not allow exit via F03


Effect of taking so from any menu display

  • *NONE: (default) Return to caller
  • *LIST: Execute SIGNOFF(*LIST)
  • *USRPRF: Execute SIGNOFF using signoff option from user profile extension attributes


Qualified name of message queue to which a copy of any exception message received by the display menu program is to be sent

  • *NONE: (default) Do not send a copy of exception messages
  • *USRPRF: The default message queue specified for the user profile is used


Display option

  • *NORMAL: (default) Display menu display with SAA standards
  • *EXTENDED: Display menu display with extended display options, including date and time