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Value and Description


Type of filtering required

  • *SELECT: (default) Keep items that satisfy filtering conditions
  • *OMIT: Reject items that satisfy the filtering conditions


List of up to ten names or name masks of members on which to filter. Name masks may contain ? or *

  • *ANY: (default) No filtering on member name
  • *PRESENT: Match any item having a member name
  • *ABSENT: Match any item not having a member name


List of up to ten names or name masks of the member’s file and library on which to filter. Name masks may contain ? or *

  • *ANY: (default) No filtering on file name
  • ‘*ALL/name mask’: Filter on file name but not on library name
  • ‘name mask/*ALL’: Filter on library name but not on file name


List of attribute of member’s SEU source types on which to filter

  • *ANY: (default) No filtering on source type
  • *PRESENT: Match any item which has a source type other than blank
  • *ABSENT: Match any item which has no source type
  • *S38: Match any item which has an SEUTYPE containing the characters 38
  • *S36: Match any item which has an SEUTYPE containing the characters 36
  • *NATIVE: Match any item which does not have characters 38 or 36 in source type
  • Otherwise must be a valid i OS source type


Member text on which to filter

  • *ANY: (default) No filtering is done on member text
  • *NONE: Only those members with no text are included
  • Character string: Only those members whose text contains the specified string, starting at any position, are included in the list. Up to fifty characters of search string may be specified. Upper and lower case differences are ignored. The character ? can be used as a wild character in the search string


Filter on System where member was created

  • *ANY: (default) No filtering on System where member was created
  • Otherwise, specify an IBM i system name for filtering


Filter on Auxiliary Storage Pool (ASP) where member resides

  • *ANY: (default) No filtering on ASP
  • Otherwise, specify an Auxiliary Storage Pool number


Member date on which to filter

  • *ANY: (default) No filtering on date
  • Otherwise, DATE is a list parameter made up of the following four elements:
  • Date type
  • – *CRT: Filter on date member created
  • – *CHG: Filter on date member last changed
  • – *USD: Filter on date member last used
  • – *URS: Filter on date usage counter was last resent
  • Date operator
  • – *EQ: (default) Equal to
  • – *NE: Not equal to
  • – *LT: Less than
  • – *GT: Greater than
  • Date: Entered in system date format (QDATFMT).
  • Time: Entered in HHMMSS format


Number of days since Usage Counter was reset

  • *ANY: (default) No filtering on number of days used
  • Otherwise, USAGE is a list of parameters made up of the following two elements:
  • Days used operator
  • – *EQ: (default) Equal to
  • – *NE: Not equal to
  • – *LT: Less than
  • – *GT: Greater than
  • Days used entered as a number


Number of records in member on which to filter

  • *ANY: (default) No filtering on number of records
  • Otherwise, NBRRCDS is a list parameter made up of the following four elements:
  • Record type
  • – *RCD: Filter on number of active records
  • – *DLT: Filter on number of deleted records
  • Date Operator
  • – *EQ: (default) Equal to
  • – *NE: Not equal to
  • – *LT: Less than
  • – *GT: Greater than


Flag value on which to filter

  • *ANY: (default) No filtering is done on flag value
  • Otherwise, FLAGVAL is a list parameter made up of the following two elements:
  • Relational operator for selection of flags
  • – *EQ: (default) Equal to
  • – *NE: Not equal to
  • Flag value
  • Single character flag value or one of the special flag values


List update option

  • Up to two of the following values
  • *RMVERR:(default) Remove items from list that do not meet the filter criteria
  • *FLAGOK: Flag the items in the list that meet the filter criteria. Flag with the flag specified by the OUTFLAGVAL parameter


Qualified name of member list which is to be filtered

  • QTEMP/TEMPLST: (default) List name


Flag value given to selected items in resulting list if *FLAGOK is specified for the UPDLST parameter

  • Single character flag value or one of the special flag values.


Qualified name of copied output list with selected entries

  • *NONE: (default) Selected list entries are not copied to an output list
  • QTEMP/TEMPLSTOUT: (default) Output list name


Output list replacement option for the list specified by the OUTLST paramete

  • *REPLACE: (default) Create a new output list, replacing any previous list’s contents
  • *ADD: Add to any existing list’s contents