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Value and Description


Request data to execute for each item in database file list. Request string can be up to 256 characters (see the following details). To invoke the command prompter on the request string, place a ? as the first character

  • *USROPT: (default) Use the user option specified by the USROPT parameter


Two character key identifying a record in the specified user-defined option file, containing user-defined option text for substitution in the RQSDTA string

  • *NONE: (default) No user option text is to be substituted


Qualified name of file containing the user-defined option text

  • QAUOOPT: (default) File name


Name of member containing the user-defined option text

  • *FILE: (default) The member has the same name as the file


Qualified name of the executed database file list

  • QTEMP/TEMPLST: (default) List name
  • *SELECT: Display database file lists for selection


Number of execution errors allowed before the list execution is abandoned

  • *NONE: (default) No errors are allowed
  • *NOMAX: There is no limit on the number of errors allowed
  • Note that execution does not take place if syntax errors are detected in the request string


List update option

  • *NONE: (default) The list is not to be updated
  • *RMVOK: If the requested command completes without error for a list entry, then the list entry is removed from the list
  • *RMVERR: If an error occurs when the requested command is executed for a list entry, then the list entry is removed from the list
  • FLAGERR: If an error occurs when the requested command is executed for a list entry, then the list entry is to be flagged with an F