Value and Description
Name of the panel design which is displayed
- *SELECT: (default) The panel selection display is presented
Qualified name of file containing panel design
- YDSNPNL: (default) Panel design file name
Name of member in file containing panel design
- *FILE: (default) The member has the same name as the file
Display option
- *DSPDTA: (default) Display panel design along with any previously stored data.
- *DSPATR: Display panel with field type attributes. These can be modified using the command Edit Design Defaults (YEDTDSNDFT)
- *CHGDTA: Display screen with first 128 fields (both input and output) as input fields. Any data keyed is stored with the panel design for later re-display.
- N.B. If a field is moved then the stored data for that field will need to be re-keyed