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Value and Description


Name of source file member containing text which is to be displayed

  • *SELECT: A list of available members will be displayed, one of which may be selected


Qualified name of source file containing help text member.

  • *LIBL/QTXTSRC: (default) Text file name
  • *DTAARA: Text file name is retrieved from data areas YMHPFLA (file name), and/or YMHPLBA (library name)


Help text label at which the help text display is to commence

  • *START: (default) Display from the beginning of the Help text (extended help when USROPT is *HLPWDW)
  • *CSRLOC: The CSRLOC parameter is to determine the label at which the help text display is to commence
  • *KEYSHLP: If USROPT is *HLPWDW, display Keys help defined in the help document
  • *INDEXHLP: If USROPT is *HLPWDW, display the help Index defined in the help document
  • *HLPHLP: If USROPT is *HLPWDW, display help for help


Display option

  • *NORMAL: (default) Display help with USROPT specified in data area YMHPOPA. If data area is not found, display with *HLPFULL
  • *HLPFULL: Display all help in full panels
  • *USRPRF: Retrieve USROPT from the i OS User Profile. If USROPT(*HLPFULL) is not specified on the i OS User Profile, the default is to display Help in a window


Cursor location, entered as two values, row and column coordinates, which is used in conjunction with the LBLGRP parameter to derive a start position for displaying the Help text

  • *NONE: (default) No cursor location specified


List of up to ten label group names. Label group names are single characters, either alphabetic or numeric. This parameter is used when more than one label is appropriate for a particular cursor location

  • *NOCHK: (default) Any label group conditioning specified in the help text vector table is to be ignored.
  • *NONE: Any entries specified in the vector table in the help text will be ignored unless either the entry has no label group specified for it or the entry only has label group names prefixed by N.
  • Character values: Only those vector table entries with label groups matching the supplied values are used