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Value and Description


Qualified generic name of source file containing the source members which are documented

  • *MBRLST: The source members are located by an existing member list.
  • *ALL: All source files


Generic name of members which are documented

  • Unless FILE(*MBRLST) is specified, the MBR parameter is used to filter the list of members given by the FILE parameter
  • *ALL: (default) Document all source members


Source print option. Single value

  • *ALL: (default) Print all source lines in each member
  • *TXT: Print as text document: omit source line number and change date
  • *DOC: Print only source lines with a documentation comment type (*T, *H, *W, *M, *Y, *Z)
  • Or a list of up to four of the following:

    – *T: Print only source lines with a title line

    – *H: Print only source lines with a header comment line

    – *W: Print only source lines with a warning comment line

    – *M: Print only source lines with a maintenance comment line

    – *Y: Print only source lines with a pre-compile directive line

    – *Z: Print only source lines with a compiler directive line


Indent RPG III source option

  • *NO: (default) Do not indent RPG source listings
  • *YES: Indent any listings of RPGIII source to indicate the structured programming constructs


Qualified name of a member list specified that are documented. To use an existing list, specify FILE(*MBRLST)

  • QTEMP/TEMPLST: (default) Member list name


Edit member list

  • *NO: (default) Do not invoke the edit list function
  • *YES: Invoke the edit member list function to review the member list before listing the members in it