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Value and Description


Generic name of programs whose references are documented

  • *ALL: (default) Includes all programs in specified program library list, as specified by the PGMLIBL parameter


List of libraries to be used to locate programs that are included in cross-reference

  • *USRLIBL:(default) Use user portion of library list to locate programs
  • *LIBL: Use library list to locate programs
  • *CURLIB: Use current library to locate programs
  • *ALL: Use all libraries on machine
  • *ALLUSR: Use all user libraries on machine to locate programs


Generic name of files that are cross-referenced

  • *ALL: (default) Include in listing all files in specified file library list, as specified by the FILELIBL parameter


List of libraries used to locate files and other reference objects that are to be included in cross-reference

  • *USRLIBL: (default) Use user portion of library list to locate files
  • *LIBL: Use library list to locate files
  • *CURLIB: Use current library to locate files
  • *ALL: Use all libraries on machine
  • *ALLUSR: Use all user libraries on machine to locate files


List of attributes of files that are cross-referenced

  • *ALL: (default) List all file types.
  • Must be a valid i OS file type, or *DTA: list data areas


Output required

  • *PRINT: (default) Printed output is to be produced
  • *NONE: No printed output is required but the work files are not cleared


Print programs by referenced file

  • *YES: (default) Listing is produced
  • *NO: Listing is not produced


Print programs by referenced format

  • *YES: (default) Listing is produced
  • *NO: Listing is not produced


Print files/formats by referenced program

  • *YES: (default) Listing is produced
  • *NO: Listing is not produced


Print files included by the file selection criteria which are not referenced by the programs included in the program selection criteria

  • *YES: (default) Listing is produced
  • *NO: Listing is not produced