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Value and Description


Qualified generic name of programs whose message references are documented

*MBRLST: (default) Use the member list named in the MBRLST parameter to identify the source members which are processed


Generic name of members contained in the specified source file(s), which are included in the cross-referencing

*ALL: (default) Use all members in the files, or contained in the specified list


Generic message identifier upon which the cross-referencing is based

*ALL: (default) Include all message identifiers


Qualified name of the message file from which first level message text is to be retrieved for any found message identifiers. This file is also used for the listing of unreferenced messages, and for the listing of messages in text order

*LIBL/QUSRMSG: (default) Message file name


Qualified name of the message file from which command prompt text is retrieved for any message identifiers found in command source. This file is also used for the listing of unreferenced messages, and for the listing of messages in text order

*USRMSGF: (default) Prompt messages are stored in the message file specified by the USRMSGF parameter


Qualified name of the message file from which DDS prompt text (by use of the MSGCON keyword) is retrieved for any message identifiers found in DDS source. This file is also used for the listing of unreferenced messages, and for the listing of messages in text order

*USRMSGF: (default) Device messages are stored in the message file specified by the USRMSGF parameter


Print messages by source member

  • *YES: (default) A listing is produced
  • *NO: A listing is not produced, but the work files are not cleared (see notes)


Print members by message identifier

  • *YES: (default) A listing is produced
  • *NO: A listing is not produced


Print unreferenced messages from the file(s) specified on the USRMSGF and PMTMSGF parameters

  • *YES: (default) a listing is produced
  • *NO: a listing is not produced


Print all messages from the file(s) specified on the USRMSGF and MSGF parameters, in ascending, first level text order

  • *YES: (default) A listing is produced
  • *NO: A listing is not produced


Ignore impromptu messages

  • *YES: (default) Impromptu messages are ignored. Only references to externally defined messages are documented
  • *NO: impromptu messages is included


Ignore message variables

  • *YES: (default) References to variables containing message identifiers is ignored
  • *NO: References to variables are included: for instance ‘SNDPGMMSG MSGID(&MSGID)’


Qualified name of a member list

  • QTEMP/TEMPLST: (default) List name


List edit option

  • *NO: (default) No editing is required
  • *YES: Invoke the edit member list function to edit the list before processing