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Value and Description


Qualified generic name of files that are to be listed

  • *OBJLST: List files specified in object list named by the OBJLST parameter.
  • *ALL: List all file types


List of attributes of files that are to be listed

*ALL: (default) List all types of file


Level of detail required

  • *FULL: A 132 column report for documentation
  • *BASIC: An 80 column report suitable for a system specification


Qualified name of source file containing DDS for field reference file. See note below for further details

*NONE: (default) Text from the field reference source member is not to be printed


Name of source file member containing DDS for field reference file

*DFT: (default) The name of the field reference file is taken from the design defaults


Change print defaults

  • *SAME: (default) The print defaults are not to be changed
  • *TEMP: The print defaults are to be changed for the current operation only
  • *PERM: The print defaults are to be changed permanently

N.B. only *SAME may be used for batch jobs


Qualified name of a object list to be used to identify the files to be documented

QTEMP/TEMPLST: (default) List name.

To use an existing list, specify value of *OBJLST for the FILE parameter


Edit object list option

  • *NO: (default) Edit list function is not invoked
  • *YES: Invoke edit list function to edit list before executing print