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Value and Description


List of libraries searched to locate objects which are included in listing

  • *USRLIBL: (default) Use user portion of library list to locate objects
  • *LIBL: Use library list to locate objects
  • *ALL: Use all libraries on machine
  • *ALLUSR: Use all user libraries on machine to locate objects
  • *CURLIB: Use current library to locate objects
  • SRCFILE Qualified source file name for CL and RPG III source members containing references to be tabulated
  • *QDFTSRC: (default) The source file name defaults to QCLSRC or QRPGSRC depending on program type
  • *OBJSRC: The source file name is taken from the source file name in the object description


Output option

  • *PRINT: (default) Printed output is to be produced
  • *NONE: No printed output is required


Produce a report of referenced objects by calling object

  • *YES: (default) A listing is produced
  • *NO: A listing is not produced


Produce a report of calling objects by referenced object

  • *YES: (default) A listing is produced
  • *NO: A listing is not produced


Produce an explosion report of referenced objects by calling object

  • *YES: (default) A listing is produced
  • *NO: A listing is not produced


Produce an explosion report of calling objects by referenced object

  • *YES: (default) A listing is produced
  • *NO: a listing is not produced


Ignore duplicate references option

  • *YES: (default) Omit duplicate references to the same program by a given program
  • *NO: Include duplicate references to the same program by a given program