Previous Topic: YCVTSPLF (Convert Spooled File)Next Topic: Notes




Value and Description


Name of the spooled file that is being converted to a PC document. Required.

  • spooled-file-name


Name of the job that created the specified spooled file.

You can enter one of the special values detailed below, the job name only, the job name and job user only or the job name, job user and job number.

  • *: Named spooled file from the job that issued this command.
  • *USER: Named spooled file from any job run by the user executing this command.
  • *FILE: Named spooled file from any job where the job has the same name as the spooled file.
  • *USRJOB: Named spooled file from any job run by the user executing this command where the job has the same name as the spooled file.
  • job-name: Name of the job that contains the spooled file.
  • user-name: User name that identifies the user profile under which the job is run.
  • job-number: Systemassigned job number.


Unique number of the spooled file in the job which is being converted.

  • *ONLY: Only one spooled file in the job has the specified file name; therefore, the number of the spooled file is not necessary.
  • *LAST: If there is more than one spooled file with the specified file name the one with the highest number is the file which will be converted.
  • spooled-file-number: Number of the spooled file that matches the file name which you wish to convert.


Options that will be used when converting the spooled file. These options include the name of the PC folder to which the document will be copied, and, if converting to an HTML document, an optional background, header and footer.

Conversion options are held in the YCVTOPTP file. They can added or changed by using the YCHGCVTOPT command.

  • *USER: If a record for the user running this command is found in the YCVTOPTP file, the details from that record are used to determine the conversion options for the spooled file. If no record is found for the user, the default record on the file ('*USER') is used.
  • *FILE: Use the conversion option record with the same name as the spooled file being converted.
  • valid-name: If a record is found in the YCVTOPTP file with a key matching the value entered, the details from that record are used to determine the conversion options for the spooled file. If no record is found, the default record on the file ('*USER') is used.


Name of the PC file into which the spooled file will be converted. If the conversion options chosen will convert the spooled file into a document in the Document Library System (QDLS) folder, the maximum length of this field is 8 characters.

  • *FILE: PC file has the same name as the IBM i spooled file.
  • *UNQFJ: PC file has a unique name composed of the spooled file name concatenated with the spooled file number concatenated with the job name, with all variables separated by underscores.
  • *UNQJF: PC file has a unique name composed of the job name concatenated with the spooled file name concatenated with the spooled file name, with all variables separated by underscores.
  • pc-file-name: Name of the PC file, excluding the 3 character PC extension.


Type of PC file into which the spooled file will be converted.

  • *HTML: PC file will be an HTML file with a PC file extension of '.HTM'.
  • *TEXT: PC file will be a plain text file with a PC file extension of '.TXT'.
  • *PDF: PC file will be a PDF file with a PC file extension of '.PDF'.
  • pc-file-type: PC file type in the format .xxx.


Title of the HTML file which is displayed in the top bar of the browser window.

  • *FILE: Title is the same as the HTML file name (including the 3-character PC file extension).
  • pc-file-title: Title of the HTML file, up to 50 characters.


The formatting options available when you convert a selected spooled file.

  • *NONE: No formatting options should be used.
  • *DLTLINE1-9: Selected number of lines will be deleted from the converted spooled file, starting with the line containing the text selected in the OPTTXT parameter.
  • *INDLINE: Any line containing the selected text will be indented by three spaces.
  • *MARKLINE: Any line containing the selected text will be marked with '==>' in the first three spaces.
  • *HIGHLIGHT: Any text selected in the OPTTXT parameter will be highlighted, and will show as bold when the HTML file is opened and displayed.
  • *ITALIC: Any text selected in the OPTTXT parameter will be converted to italic, and will show as italic when the HTML file is opened and displayed.
  • *UNDERLINE: Any text selected in the OPTTXT parameter will be converted to underlined and will show as underlined when the HTML file is opened and displayed.


Specifies the text within the spooled file that the options selected in the FMTOPT parameter should be applied to when the spooled file is converted.

  • *ALL: The selected format options should be applied to all the text in the spooled file.
  • *FILE: The selected options should be applied to any instances of the spooled file name itself within the spooled file.
  • selected-text: The text to which the selected formatting options should be applied.


Specifies the effective CCSID that the spooled file should be treated as.

Note: The YCVTSPLF processing will convert the spooled file to a stream file by converting FROM the CCSID specified in DBFCCSID, TO the CCSID specified in STMFCODPAG.

Ideally the DBFCCSID (from CCSID) should map to the STMFCODPAG (to CCSID). See the following link for supported mappings: i/v5r3/index.jsp?topic=/nls/rbagsccsidmappings.htm

  • *YDBFCCS: The value of this argument will be derived from the YDBFCCS data area in the library list. If the YDBFCCS data area does not exist in the library list an error will be thrown. The YDBFCCS data area can be created with the YCRTY1DTA command.
  • *JOB: The value of this argument will be derived from the "Default coded character set identifier" of the job that invokes the YCVTSPLF command.
  • CCSID: Specify the effective CCSID.


Specifies the internal "Conversion alternative" argument to the YCVTSPLF internal processing API

  • *AUTO: The YCVTSPLF internal processing will determine an appropriate value for the conversion alternative. In the event that *AUTO does not provide successful conversion, specify 0, 57 or 102.
  • 0: This will be passed to the YCVTSPLF internal processing API. The IBM-defined default conversion method and the associated conversion tables. Most of the default tables follow the round-trip conversion criterion. For the default tables that do not follow the round-trip conversion criterion, see the Globalization topic in the IBM i Information Center. See DBFCCSID and STMFCODPAG for further details.
  • 57: This 57 will be passed to the YCVTSPLF internal processing API. The enforced subset match (substitution) criterion. For the CCSID conversion pairs that support this criterion, refer to the Globalization topic in the IBM i Information Center. See DBFCCSID and STMFCODPAG for further details.
  • 102: This will be passed to the YCVTSPLF internal processing API. The best-fit conversion criterion for character mismatch. See DBFCCSID and STMFCODPAG for further details.


Specifies the effective stream file code page of the resultant stream file.

Note: The YCVTSPLF processing will convert the spooled file to a stream file by converting FROM the CCSID specified in DBFCCSID, TO the CCSID specified in STMFCODPAG.

Ideally the DBFCCSID (from CCSID) should map to the STMFCODPAG (to CCSID). See the following link for supported mappings: i/v5r3/index.jsp?topic=/nls/rbagsccsidmappings.htm

  • *YSTMFCOD: The value of this argument will be derived from the YSTMFCOD data area in the library list. If the YSTMFCOD data area does not exist in the library list an error will be thrown. The YSTMFCOD data area can be created with the YCRTY1DTA command.
  • *ASCII: Equivalent to passing 819 (ASCII).
  • *WINDOWS: Equivalent to passing 1252 (Windows default encoding).
  • stream-file-code-page: Specify the code page of the resultant stream file.


Specifies the skeleton to be used for generation of the PDF format.

Note: The PDFSKL parameter is only relevant when the PC File Type (TYPE) argument is *PDF.

  • *YPDFSKL: The value of this argument will be derived from the YPDFSKL data area in the library list. If the YPDFSKL data area does not exist in the library list an error will be thrown. The YPDFDSKL data area can be created with the YCRTY1DTA command.
  • *WEST: The PDF file will be formatted to present non Japanese fonts. For example, *WEST is appropriate when DBFCCSID/STMFCODPAG is 7/819 or 285/1252. 
  • *JPN: The PDF file will be formatted to present Japanese fonts. For example, *JPN is appropriate when DBFCCSID/STMFCODPAG is 5035/932 or 5026/932.


Specifies the size of font to be used for generation of the PDF format.

Specify the font size

Note: The FONTSIZ parameter is only relevant when the PC File Type (TYPE) argument is *PDF.

Note: Specifying FONTSIZ > 10 can cause overlap between lines of data in the PDF. Adequate spacing between lines in the spooled file can prevent this.


Specifies whether an existing PC file in the selected directory should be replaced.

  • *YES: If a PC file of the same name and type exists in the selected directory, it will be replaced with the PC file created by this command.
  • *NO: If a PC file of the same name and type exists in the selected directory, it will not be replaced.


Specifies whether the selected spooled file should be deleted from the IBM i after being converted.

  • *NO: The selected spooled file will not be deleted after being converted.
  • *YES: The selected spooled file will be deleted after being converted.


Qualified name of the conversion table used to convert data from the spooled file to the PC file.

  • *NONE: No conversion table will be used to convert the data.
  • conversion-table: The data is converted using a conversion table.