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Value and Description


Name of print file whose output is to be converted to a source member

  • *ALL: (default) Convert the output of any print files previously named by the YSTRCVTPRT command
  • *FIRST: Convert the output of the first print file previously named by the YSTRCVTPRT command
  • Print file name: Convert the output of the named file. (File must have been previously named by the YSTRCVTPRT command.)


Spool number of print output which is to be converted. Output must have been created by current job subsequent to using the YSTRCVTPRT receive converted output

  • *ALL: (default) Convert all output
  • *LAST: Convert the most recent spooled output
  • *ONLY: Convert the output only if there is only one unprocessed spooled file present
  • Spool file nbr: Convert the output for the numbered file


Name of source file containing member that is to receive converted print output

*DFT: (default) Use source file nominated by the YSTRCVTPRT command


Name of source member that is to receive converted print output

*GEN: (default) Generate a member name as follows: "PP + Job number + Spool number," for example: P010014002


Member update option

  • *ADD: (default) Add to any existing member having the name specified by the MBR parameter
  • *REPLACE: Replace any existing member having the name specified by the MBR parameter


Member text

*GEN: (default) Generate descriptive text as follows: "’Print key for’ PRTF + JOBNBR/USER/JOB SPLNBR"