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Value and Description


Qualified generic name of source files containing converted DDS members

  • *MBRLST: (default) Use the member list specified by the MBRLST parameter


Generic member name of converted DDS

  • *ALL: (default) Include all members


Qualified name of source file into which the converted source members are to be placed

  • *FROMFILE: (default) Name is the same as FROMFILE


Member name of converted source

  • *FROMMBR: (default) Name is same as FROMMBR


Analysis option; specifies those components of the DDS source for which the conversion program is to look

  • *ALL: (default) Analyze source for use of command keys, command explanation literals and screen headers
  • *CMD: Scan for use of command keys
  • *CMDTXT: Scan for use of command explanation text
  • *SCRHDR: Scan for use of screen headers. The DDS for the first three lines of each display are shown on the report. This helps to identify the other items shown on the report. No conversion of the DDS for display headers are attempted


Conversion option

  • *NO: (default) Only analyze source and produce a report, do not convert source
  • *YES: Convert source


Indicates whether text leader literals are to be converted

  • *NO: (default) Do not convert text leaders
  • *YES: Convert text literals ending in ‘.:’; the program changes these to conform to the SAA standard, that is have spaces between periods leading up to the colon, i.e. (‘. . .:’)


Indicates whether the specified command mnemonic is to be removed when converting command explanation literals

  • ‘CMD:’: (default) Remove indicated value if found in command key explanation text
  • *NONE: Do not remove any leading mnemonics on command key explanation text line


Indicates whether the program is to look for a linking character when scanning for command key explanations, and if so, for what character it should search. This may be necessary to distinguish between a command key reference and the use of a numeric literal in the text

  • ‘-’: Look for a hyphen within command explanation text. The value is replaced by an ‘=’ character
  • *NONE: Do not attach a linking character when scanning the command text line


Qualified name of a member list

  • QTEMP/TEMPLST: (default) List name


List option

  • *NO: (default) No editing is required.
  • *YES: Invoke the edit member list function to edit the list before executing the scan