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Value and Description


User profile name



User password. The password must be a valid name

  • *USRPRF: (default) Adopt the profile name as the password.
  • *NONE: Profile has no password


User class. One of the following values

  • *USER: (default) Defined as a user.
  • *SECOFR: User has security officer class.
  • *SECADM: User has administration class.
  • *PGMR: Defined as a programmer.
  • *SYSOPR: User has system operator class


Default current library for this user

*CRTDFT: (default) This user has no default current library. The library QGPL is used as the default create library


Qualified name of initial program for profile. This program is the first program to execute when the user signs

  • *LIBL/YINLPGM: (default) YINLPGM program is the first program to execute.
  • *NONE: There is no initial program for the profile


Qualified name of initial menu for profile. This menu will be called if there is no initial program, and if an initial program executes a return

*SIGNOFF: (default) Execute a SIGNOFF command if the initial program executes a return


Limit capability of user to change user profile

  • *NO: (default) Do not limit capability.
  • *YES: Limit capability.
  • *PARTIAL: Partial limitation


Special authorities. Either a single value

  • *USRCLS: (default) Authorities are defined by user class.
  • *NONE: No special authorities are to be granted.
  • *Or a list of up six special values:

    – *SAVSYS: Grant save system rights.

    – *JOBCTL: Grant job control rights.

    – *SECADM: Grant administrator rights.

    – *ALLOBJ: Grant rights to all objects.

    – *SERVICE: Grant service rights.

    – *SPLCTL: grant spool control rights


Qualified name of initial job description. This job description defines the initial job environment when the user signs on, and is used as the default job description for the user profile

*LIBL/QDFTJOBD: (default) The system-supplied job description found in library QGPL is used


Group profile name

*NONE: (default) Profile is not a group profile member


Owner of created objects for group members. If a value of GRPPRF(*NONE) is specified then *USRPRF must be specified

  • *USRPRF: (default) The user profile is to own any objects created by the profile.
  • *GRPPRF: The group profile is to own any created objects


Authority given to the group profile for newly-created objects for which the user profile is the owner. If OWNER(*GRPPRF) is specified, *NONE is required

  • *NONE: (default) No authority is given to the group profile.
  • *ALL: All authority is given to the group profile.
  • *CHANGE: Change authority for the object type is given to the group profile.
  • *USE: Authority to use the object type is given to the group profile, i.e. read the file, or call the program.
  • *EXCLUDE: User profile is excluded.


Qualified name of message queue associated with the user profile

*USRPRF: (default) Use default message queue with same name as the user profile


Mode of delivery for messages sent to specified message queue

  • *NOTIFY: (default) Messages of the appropriate severity cause the message waiting indicator to be set on the display.
  • *HOLD: Messages are to be held on the message queue.
  • *BREAK: Messages of the appropriate severity are displayed at the time of delivery. The severity level is determined by the value specified for SEV.
  • *DFT: All information messages will be ignored, other messages will be held. Any enquiry messages are given the default reply specified on the job description, or on the message description


Message severity to use when setting message queue delivery

  • 00: (default) Severity - show all messages.
  • 00-99: message severity. See i OS manual for message severity code meanings


Name of printer which is to be associated with this user

  • *SYSVAL: (default) The printer device specified by the QPRTDEV system value will be used.
  • *WRKSTN: Printer device associated with the work station


Qualified name of output queue associated with the user profile

  • *DEV: (default) Output is to be directed to the output queue which has the same name as the printer device specified on the PRTDEV
  • *WRKSTN: Printer device associated with the work station


Qualified name of attention key program associated with the user profile

*NONE: (default) No attention key program is to be associated with the user profile.

If an attention program is specified, the job automatically changes into a group job.


Authority given to the public for the user profile

  • *EXCLUDE: (default) No authority is given to the public.
  • *ALL: All authorities are given to the public.
  • *CHANGE: Change authority for the profile is given to the public.
  • *USE: Authority to display the profile is given to the public


Qualified name of initial library list. Library list to be set at start of sign-on

*SYSVAL: (default) the system default library list is used


Name of initial menu for user profile

  • MAIN: (default) Initial menu name.
  • *USER: An initial menu with the same name as that specified in the USRPRF parameter will be used.
  • *NONE: There is no initial menu


Initial menu option for user profile

  • *NONE: (default) The initial menu is to be displayed.
  • menu-option: The program/command specified by the initial menu option is to be executed


Qualified menu file name. The menu file in which the initial menu is located. Must be a Synon/1E menu

*LIBL/YDSNMNU: The default menu file name


Menu file member name

*MENUFILE: The member name is the name specified in the MENUFILE parameter


Allow menu name entry from the menu display

  • *NO: (default) The user is not permitted to enter menu names. The user is restricted to the displayed menu options.
  • *YES: The user may enter menu names to transfer directly to the named menu


Allow command entry from the menu display

  • *NO: (default) The user is not permitted to enter commands. The user is restricted to the displayed menu options.
  • *YES: The user may enter and execute commands directly from the menu


Check user authority to menu options while loading menus

  • *NO: (default) When loading a menu, do not check the user’s authority to use the program or command named for each menu option.
  • *CHKOBJ: When loading a menu, check the user’s authority to use the program or command named for each executable menu option


Data authority level (1-high to 9-low)

This value is available directly from the file YUSRPRF in the library, or via the YRTVUSRPRF command in a CL program. It may be used to provide a simple form of field level authorization, for examples levels 4 and above may view a salary field. Checking must be provided by user code


Qualified job description for submitted jobs

This job description is used by the menu display program for menu options having the submit option.

*JOBD: (default) Use the value specified on the JOBD parameter


Sign off option

  • *NOLIST: (default) No job log is to be created.
  • *LIST: A job log is to be created


Hold/release user profile option

  • *NO: (default) The user may sign on.
  • *YES: The user is prevented from signing on


Qualified name of exception message queue associated with the user profile. A copy of any exception message received by the display menu program is to be sent to this queue

  • *NONE: (default) No exception message is associated with this profile.
  • *USRPRF: Use default message queue with same name as the user profile


Date upon which password is to expire

*NONE: (default) There is no expiry date


Number of days after date of last change that a password is to remain valid

  • *NOMAX: (default) There is no limit to the number of days that the password remains valid.
  • 1-999: Number of days


Action that YINLPGM is to take if password expiry is detected for a user at sign-on

  • *NOSIGNON: (default) Don’t let user sign on.
  • *PMTCHG: Prompt user for new password, providing number of days specified by PWDEXPPRD parameter has not been exceeded


Number of days after password has expired that user may still be allowed to sign on, providing the changes his password

  • *NONE: (default) The user may not sign on after the password has expired.
  • 1-999: Number of days


User profile text

*DFT: The default text is used