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Value and Description


Generic name of duplicated objects

  • *ALL: All objects
  • *OBJLST: Objects are specified by a list, whose name is given by the OBJLST parameter


Library containing the objects that are to be duplicated

  • *OBJLST: The name of the library containing the objects is specified by a list, whose name is given by the OBJLST parameter
  • *CURLIB: Duplicate the objects in the current library of the invoking job


List of types of object that are to be duplicated

  • *ALL: All object types that are eligible for duplication by the i OS CRTDUPOBJ command


List of up to ten libraries in which to place copies of the duplicated objects. The libraries specified with the TOLIB parameter must not be specified in the system part of the current job’s library list

  • *CURLIB: Duplicate the objects to the current library of the invoking job


Duplicate data option

  • *NO: (default) Do not duplicate data for data objects
  • *YES: Duplicate data for data objects


Duplicate existing objects option

  • *NEW: (default) Only duplicate objects that do not already exist in the destination library
  • *OLD: Only duplicate objects that already exist in the destination library
  • *ALL: Duplicate all objects


User profile to own duplicated objects

  • *USER: (default) Owner is the current user
  • *LST: Owner of each duplicated object is the same as value for owner in the list


Qualified name of object list of objects that are to be duplicated

QTEMP/TEMPLST: (default) List name

If OBJ(*OBJLST) is specified the existing list is used. Otherwise a new list is created from the parameters specified


Edit list option

  • *NO: (default) The list edit function is not invoked
  • *YES: Edit the list once built: valid only for interactive programs