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Value and Description


Qualified name of source file whose records are compared with those of the file specified in the FILE2 parameter

  • *MBRLST: (default) The source file is obtained from the member list specified in the MBRLST parameter. *MBRLST can be abbreviated to *M
  • *ALL: All of the source files


The name of source member specified by parameter FILE1 compared with member specified in parameter MBR2

*ALL: (default) All the members of file specified by FILE1 participate in the comparison


Qualified name of source file whose records are compared with those of the file specified in the FILE1 parameter.

*FILE1: (default) Second member compared is obtained from the file specified in parameter FILE1.

If a generic file name is specified for the FILE1 parameter, or a value of FILE1(*ALL), or FILE1(*MBRLST), then FILE2(*FILE1) must be specified


Name of source member specified by parameter FILE2 compared with member specified in parameter MBR1

*MBR1: (default) Name of second member is the same as that specified in the MBR1 parameter.

If FILE1 is the same as FILE2, the MBR1 should not be the same as MBR2.


Number of lines required for a match

3: Three lines must match


Number of preceding source lines to be printed when a mismatch is encountered

1: Print the line before the mismatch


Number of source lines following the mismatch that must be printed

1: Print the line after the mismatch


Degree of detail to be reported

  • *NOLINES: (default) Print the mismatched lines without the associated sequence numbers
  • *LINES: Print the mismatched lines with the associated sequence numbers
  • *NOLIST: No mismatch details were reported. Indicate whether or not the source file members match


Case-sensitivity option

  • *NO: (default) Treat upper and lower case characters as different for comparison purposes
  • *YES: Ignore any differences between upper and lower case for comparison purposes. Thus the character ‘a’ matches with both ‘a’ and ‘A


Blank character sensitivity option

  • *NO: (default) All characters, including blanks, in both lines undergoing a match-check must be the same
  • *YES: Blanks are ignored when comparing source lines. The two lines shown above would be regarded as matching


List update option

Up to two of the following values:

  • *FLAGERR: (default) If any line of the two members being compared do not match, then the list entry for MBR1 is flagged with the value specified by the OUTFLAGVAL
  • *FLAGOK: If all lines of the two members being compared match, then the list entry for MBR1 is flagged with the value specified by the OUTFLAGVAL
  • *RMVERR: If any line of the two members being compared does not match then the list entry for MBR1 is removed from the list
  • *RMVOK: If all lines of the members being compared match, then the list entry for MBR1 is removed from the list

If more than one value is specified, *RMVERR + *FLAGOK and *RMVOK + *FLAGERR are the only valid combinations


Flag value used when the UPDLST parameter is *FLAGERR or *FLAGOK

*FAIL: (default) Flag members do not match as ‘failed’

Single character flag value or one of the special flag values


Qualified name of a listed member

QTEMP/TEMPLST: (default) List name


List option

  • *NO: (default) No editing is required
  • *YES: Invoke the edit member list function to edit the list before executing the scan