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Value and Description


Type of list whose entries are checked

  • *OBJ: (default) Object list
  • *MBR: Member list


Qualified name of E list whose entries are checked

  • QTEMP/TEMPLST: (default) List name
  • *SELECT: Display list of existing lists in specified library


List update option

Up to two of the following values:

  • *RMVERR: (default) Removes items from list that are not verified
  • *RMVOK: Removes items from list if they are verified. For example, if both the specified source member and object are found
  • *FLAGERR: Flags items from list that are not verified. Flag with the flag specified by the OUTFLAGVAL parameter
  • *FLAGOK: Flag the items in the list if they are verified. Flag with the flag specified by the OUTFLAGVAL parameter

If more than one value is specified, *RMVERR + FLAGOK and *RMVOK + FLAGERR are the only valid combinations


Name of the library to use when checking the existence of objects

  • *NONE: (default) Do not check object’s existence
  • *LST: Use the list value. For object lists, the library specified for each object list entry is used; for member lists, an object with the same name as the member is looked for. The source type is determined by the object type. The check is ignored for source types that do not have corresponding objects, e.g. text
  • *LIBL: Use the current job’s library list to locate objects when checking their existence
  • *CURLIB: Use the current library for the invoking job when checking for an object’s existence


Qualified name of source file to use when checking for the existence of source

  • *NONE: (default) do not check for the existence of a corresponding source member
  • *LST: use the source file name and member name specified for the list entry. For object lists, this will have been derived from the name held on the compiled object
  • *QDFTSRC: use the default source file name according to the source type, e.g. QRPGSRC for RPG III source, QCLSRC for CL source. Use the object name as the source member name. (Note that YCHKLSTE assumes that Query and DFU execution objects do not have source, unless a source member name is present for the list entry.)


Status of list entry values to check: entries must have the specified value to when checking for the existence of source

  • *ALL: (default) do not check that list entries have a particular value
  • *SUBMITTED: Check that list entries have a value of ‘S’


Authority to check for object or member existence as specified by the CHKLIB or CHKFILE parameters

*NONE: (default) Do not check for any particular authorities when checking existence of list items

i OS object authorities to test. See the IBM i Programmers guide for information on these values


Flag value of list entries to check

  • *ANY: (default) Check all list entries
  • *CHKSTS: Use value specified by CHKSTS parameter

Otherwise, FLAGVAL is a list parameter made up of the following two elements:

Relational operator for selection of flags

  • *EQ: (default) equal to
  • *NE: not equal to

Flag value

  • Single character flag value or one of the special flag values


Single character flag value or one of the special flag values

Flags value of entries when the UPDLST parameter is *FLAGERR or *FLAGOK


Qualified name of the list resulting entries are placed. The output list is the same type as the input list

  • *NONE: (default) List entries are not copied to an output list
  • QTEMP/TEMPLSTOUT: Default list name


Output list replacement option for the list specified by the OUTLST parameter

  • *REPLACE: (default) Creates a new output list, replacing any previous list’s contents
  • *ADD: Adds to any existing list’s contents