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Value and Description


List type whose entries are changed

  • *DBF: Database file list
  • *FMT: Format list
  • *MBR: Member list
  • *OBJ: Object list


Qualified name of a list whose entries are changed

QTEMP/TEMPLST: (default) Name for list


New value for library name on list items

  • *SAME: (default) Make no change to library name
  • *CURLIB: Change library name to current library of job
  • *OBJLIB: Change the library name to the name of the first library in the current library list in which the object is found. If the object is not found, change library to *LIBL


New value for file name on member list items

  • *SAME: (default) Make no change to file name

    Only applies if LSTTYPE(*MBR) or LSTTYPE(*FMT) are specified


New value for SEU source type on member list items if LSTTYPE(*MBR), or new value for object attribute on object list if LSTTYPE(*OBJ)

  • *SAME: (default) make no change to SEU type or object attribute
  • *S38: Change all source types (object attributes) to be IBM i S38E types (object attributes), that is add the characters ‘38’ to SEU types (object attributes). For example, convert RPG to RPG38, DSPF to DSPF38
  • *NATIVE: Change all source types (object attributes) to be native IBM i source types (object attributes), that is remove any instances of the characters ‘38’ or ‘36’ from SEU types (object attributes). For example, convert RPG38 to RPG, DSPF36 to DSPF’

    Only applies if LSTTYPE(*MBR) or LSTTYPE(*OBJ) specified


Flag value of list entries to change

  • *ANY: (default) Change all list entries

    Otherwise, FLAGVAL is a list parameter made up of the following two elements:

  • Relational operator for selection of flags

    – *EQ: (default) Equal to

    – *NE: Not equal to

  • Flag value

    – Single character flag value or one of the special flag values