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Value and Description


Qualified generic name of commands with changed attributes

  • *OBJLST: Commands are specified by a list whose name is given by the OBJLST parameter
  • *ALL: All commands in specified library


Specifies the types of operating environment in which the command is used. One or more of the modes can be specified

  • *SAME: (default) No change to the modes of operation for the commands
  • *ALL: The commands are valid in all types of operation
  • *PROD: The commands are valid for production mode
  • *DEBUG: The commands are valid for debug mode
  • *SERVICE: The commands are valid for service mode


Specifies where the commands are processed. One or more of the options can be specified

  • *SAME: (default) No change to where the commands are processed
  • *ALL: The commands are valid in a batch input stream, in a CL program, or when processed interactively. The commands can also be passed to the system program QCMDEXC (or QCAEXEC) for processing
  • *BATCH: The commands are valid in a batch input stream, external to a compiled CL program
  • *BPGM: The commands can be included in a compiled CL program that runs in a batch input stream
  • *IPGM: The commands can be included in a compiled CL program that runs interactively
  • *EXEC: The commands can be included as a parameter on the CALL command and be passed as a character string to the system program QCMDEXC (or QCAEXEC) for processing
  • *INTERACT: The commands are valid interactively


Specifies whether the commands can be entered directly by a user whose profile is set for limited capabilities (as defined by the LMTCPB keyword on the i OS and/or Create User Profile (CRTUSRPRF, YCRTUSRPRF), and Change User Profile (CHGUSRPRF, YCHGUSRPRF) commands

  • *SAME: (default) The limited user authority is not changed
  • *NO: The commands cannot be entered by a user whose profile is set for limited capabilities
  • *YES: The commands can be entered by a user whose profile is set for limited capabilities


Specifies the name of the library used as the current library during the processing of the commands

  • *SAME: (default) The current library for the commands is not changed
  • *CRTDFT: There is no current library active during the processing of these commands
  • *NOCHG: The current library is not changed for the processing of the commands
  • *CURLIB: The current library of the commands is set to invoking the YCHGCMD command. If no current library exists in the library list of the job, QGPL is used


Specifies the name of the product library that is affected during the processing of the commands

  • *SAME: (default) The product library for the commands is not changed
  • *NONE: There is no product library in the job’s library list during processing of the commands
  • *NOCHG: The product library is not changed when the command process starts
  • *CURLIB: The product library of the commands is set to invoking the YCHGCMD command. If no current library exists in the library list of the job, QGPL is used


Specifies the user-defined text on the commands

  • *SAME: (default) The user-defined text is unchanged
  • *LST: The user-defined text is taken from the object list entry for the command being changed


Qualified name of object list specifying the commands for which the attributes are changed

  • QTEMP/TEMPLST: (default) List name
  • If CMD(*OBJLST) is specified, an existing list is used. Otherwise a new list is created from the parameters specified


Edit list option

  • *NO: (default) The edit list function is not to be invoked
  • *YES: Invoke the edit list facility before proceeding with the command execution