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Value and Description


Library where compiled objects are placed

  • *CURLIB: (default) Place objects in current library for the invoking job
  • *SRCLIB: Place each object in the library from which the source member for that object was obtained


Qualified generic name of the file containing source members

  • *MBRLST: (default) Locate source members to be compiled by the member list specified by the MBRLST parameter
  • *ALL: all files


Generic member name of members that are to be compiled

  • *ALL: (default) Compile all members


List of SEU source types of members that are to be compiled

  • *ALL: (default) All source types in the file are compiled, including certain non-native source types
  • Must be a valid i OS native source type.


Create option

  • *ALL: (default) All specified members are compiled
  • *OLD: Only members for objects that already exist in the create library are compiled
  • *NEW: Only members for objects that do not already exist in the create library are compiled


Specifies replace option to use on create command

  • *YES: (default) Specifies a new object are created and any existing object of the same name in the specified library are moved to library QRPLOBJQRPLOBJ i OS library YCRTOBJ.
  • *NO: Specifies a new object is not created if an object with the same name already exists in the specified library


Specifies Target Release option to use on the create command in the form VvRrMm, where v is the i OS version, r is the i OS release number, and m is the i OS machine level; for example, V2R1M0, or one of the following special values

  • *CURRENT: (default) Generate program objects to run on the current release of i OS
  • *PRV: Generate program objects to run on the previous release of i OS


Public authority of compiled object

  • LIBCRTAUT: (default) The authority is specified by the Create Authority (CRTAUT) attribute of the library where the object is compiled
  • *CHANGE: The user has object operational rights and all data rights to the object
  • *ALL: Everyone is authorized to do anything to the object, except transfer ownership
  • *USE: The user has object operational rights and read data rights
  • *EXCLUDE: Prevents the user from accessing the object
  • Authorization list name: the name of an authorization list whose authority is used for the object


Qualified name of used job description

  • *USRPRF: (default) Use default job description for user profile
  • *NONE: Create objects interactively


Qualified name of complied job queue

  • *JOBD: (default) Use the job queue specified by the job description named with the JOBD parameter


Job scheduling priority 1 (high), to 9 (low)

  • *JOBD: (default) Use priority on job description


Uses initial library list for compilation, either qualified name of a library list or one of the following special values

  • *JOBD: (default) Use library list specified by the job description named with the JOBD parameter
  • *CURRENT: Use the current library list of the job which invokes the YCRTOBJ command


Order in which to create objects

  • *SEUTYPE: (default) submit compilations in the following order:

    – Field reference file, if any: see FLDREF parameter below

    – Physical files

    – Logical files and Commands

    – Device files

    – All other objects

  • *MBRLST: (default) submit compiles in the order in which member names appear in the member list


Name of field reference file member; if a member of the specified name is found in the member list, it is to be compiled before all other source members

  • *NONE: (default) no field reference file member is to be compiled
  • *Y1: retrieve the name of the field reference file from the design default value
  • *Y2: retrieve the name of the field reference file from the YFRFVNM model value of the first model found in the invoking job’s library list


Name of library from which to copy data to add to new physical files

  • *NONE: (default) data is not copied for existing files
  • *CURLIB: copy data from current library for invoking job


Flag value of list entries to select for creation

A list parameter made up of the following two elements:

  • Relational operator for selection of flags

    – *EQ: (default) equal to

    – *NE: not equal to

  • Flag value

    Single character flag value or one of the special flag values. See Appendix A for further details on flag values. Otherwise:

    – *ANY: Execute all list entries


List update option

  • *FLAGERR: (default) List items which are not successfully submitted are to be flagged
  • *RMVOK: List items which are successfully submitted are to be removed from the list
  • *RMVERR: List items which are not successfully submitted are to be removed from the list

If *FLAGERR is specified, then *RMVERR is invalid


Flag value to be given to flagged entries when the UPDLST parameter is *FLAGERR

  • *FAIL: Failed flag items when submitted
  • Single character flag value or one of the special flag values. See Appendix A for further details on flag values.


Qualified name of a member list


QTEMP/TEMPLST: (default) list name



Edit list option

  • *NO: (default) List edit function is not invoked
  • *YES: Invoke the list edit function before proceeding with compilations