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Changing the Name of an Array

Follow these steps to change the name of an array.

  1. View the list of files. At the Edit Database Relations panel, type *a or *ARRAY in the positioner field on the top line of the panel and press Enter.

    The list of reserved files displays.

  2. Zoom into the array file. Type v next to the Arrays file.

    The Edit Arrays panel displays with a list of the arrays in your model.

  3. Zoom into the array. Type Z next to the array you want to rename.

    The Edit Array Details panel displays with the name of the array and the array details.

  4. Change output field to input field. Press F8.

    The output-only field, Array Name, is changed to an input-capable field.

  5. Rename the array. Type the new name of the array and press Enter to accept the change.

    The panel redisplays with the new array name.

Note: The array name must be unique; CA 2E does not accept duplicate names.