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Editing Virtual Field Entries

CA 2E lets you edit the virtual field entries on both the file and the access path. Field level virtual fields are specified using the Edit Virtual Field Entries panel. Access path virtual fields are specified using the Edit Access Path Relation Virtual Fields panel.

The file level panel declares that a field is available for use as a virtual field on any of the access paths for the file. The access path level panel specifies that a virtual field is present on a particular access path.

  1. Zoom into the file.

    At the Edit Database Relations panel, type Z next to any relation for the selected file and press Enter. Alternatively, you can use selection option 2 from the Edit Model Object List panel.

    The Edit File Detail panel displays.

  2. Zoom into the access path.

    Type Z next to the selected access path and press Enter.

    The Edit Access Path Details panel displays.

  3. Zoom into the format.

    Type Z next to the selected format and press Enter.

    The Edit Access Path Format Entry panel displays.

  4. Specify virtual fields.

    Press F7 and press Enter.

    The Edit Access Path Relations panel displays.

  5. Select the virtual field entry.

    Type V next to the selected relation and press Enter.

    The Edit Access Path Relation Virtual Field panel displays:

    Editing Virtual Field Entries

    Note: The selected relation must be an Owned by, Refers to, or Extended by relation or you will not be able to virtualize the field.

  6. Edit the virtual field entry.

    Type + (plus) or (minus) next to the field(s) you want to virtualize and press Enter.

    A refreshed panel displays with your choices highlighted.