Use the CTSSYNC utility to support 3495/3494 devices.
The CTSSYNC command provides a high level interface to the IBM 3495/3494 LCS (Library Control System) and optionally lists the results of client requested functions. The CTSSYNC utility performs the following functions to support 3495/3494 devices:
This utility accepts input either via a PARM value and/or SYSIN control statements. The PARM value can be either from a calling program or the EXEC JCL statement. Commands specified without VOLSERs are "global" commands. These global commands are used for subsequent VOLSERs that are specified without commands. Global commands are replaced by subsequent global commands but not a specific command that includes a VOLSER.
The default global command is SYNC. Each command is processed when the VOLSER or VOLSER range is specified independent of any previous or subsequent commands.
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