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Configure CA GMI for CA 1

A storage administrator usually performs most of the steps in the following procedure. To find the exceptions, tasks typically done by a system programmer, look for items starting with (SYSPROG).

Some steps in the following procedure involve setting security access authority, see your security administrator to confirm or establish the proper access authorities for those steps. For more information about security, see the section Actions Against Tape Related Objects in the topic "Security Topics" in the CAVantage SRM Reference Guide.

To configure CA GMI for CA 1

  1. Run INSTALL Job J05CA1.

    This job copies system script and parmlib members for CA 1 to the script and parmlib data sets. This job is located in the CCTUSAMP library, customize it to your needs as instructed in the comments at the beginning of the member, and run it now.

  2. Configure Disk Interval Scripts for CA 1.

    This product's Disk Checkpoint service enhances system performance for vendor objects in which the vendor APIs are considered too slow for retrieving a large number of records. Tape management (volume and file) objects are in this group.

    Disk Checkpoint data sets are dynamically allocated and written with the aid of scripts. Sample scripts are distributed in the CCTUSAMP library. Each script uses the tape management system's native API (which can be rather slow) to retrieve the needed data, at a scheduled low-impact time, and checkpoint it to a sequential disk file.

    When you request these objects from any of this product's clients, View Mode=DC is automatically used (it is the default), and the data is read from the checkpoint data set at a much higher speed. View Mode=RT may also be a choice, which means that the slower native API will be used to get the data in Real-Time, and you will have to wait considerably longer to get the data.

    Proper configuration involves scheduling the checkpoint scripts to run just frequently enough to allow normal analysis to be done from the checkpoint data.

    The reformatted data buffers are written to a pair of high-performance Disk Interval files. CTSXUTIL also performs the following tasks:

    Note: The z/OS name and token pairs created (CTSXUTIL$VANTAGE) is online and accessible until the next system IPL.

    The J05CA1 job copies the following scripts from the CCTUSAMP library to your system-script library, as named by system parameter SYSTSCR. We recommend that you enable these scripts. The header of each sample contains information on how to activate the script.


    Object: Files

    Type: DC


    Object: Volumes

    Type: DC

  3. Configure the first part of the Summary Reports for CA 1.

    This product provides several tape summary reports for CA 1. To enable these reports do the following:

    Edit PARMLIB member SUMMARY to activate the reports. If this member does not exist, copy it from the CCTUSAMP library. The following is an example of part of the SUMMARY member:


    To activate the summaries for CA 1, delete the asterisk in column 1 in the following line:


    Note: Additional configuration is required to complete the configuration of Summary Reports for CA 1 as described in subsequent steps.

  4. Configure Tape Summary Report Filters for CA 1.

    Note: The following FILTVIxx members must be created and customized for tape volume summaries to work properly. If they do not exist in your PARMLIB yet, copy them from the CCTUSAMP library.

    The following is a list of PARMLIB members for the CA 1 Tape Volume Summaries:


    Used to qualify tapes into groups depending on the last job name that used the tape.


    Used to qualify tapes into groups depending on MBs written to the tape.


    Used to qualify tapes into groups depending on the SMS management class (MC) of the tape.


    Used to qualify tapes into groups depending on the OUTCODE defined for the tape.


    Used to qualify tapes into groups depending on the Robot ID saved in the CA 1 TMC records. To make use of this summary group function, you must update the ROBID field in the TMC (you can use the TMSUPDTE utility).


    Used to qualify data set name patterns into groups that correspond to your installation.

  5. Perform the following steps to configure the FILTVIxx Members:
    1. Observe that the sample FILTVITD member looks like the following:
    2. Customize this member to suit your installation.

      Create groups consisting of the following two keywords:


      A maximum of 1000 such groups is allowed.


      Gives the grouping its group name. In the example above, the group name for the first group is GRP PSS.A300./. A maximum of 16 characters can be used to describe the group name.


      Qualifies the tapes into the different groups you create. Use the SCRATCH = N keyword to select only active tapes in the group (not tapes with scratch status). For a list of other field variables that can be used in the filter, run the GENMAP utility for object VISTMCS. See member MAPPINGS in the CCTUSAMP library for this utility. All the substitution variables (without the enclosing %% signs) can be used within the filter.

      The SET_SUM_FILTER= statement has the following general syntax:

             SET_SUM_FILTER=('field name' comparator value) AND|OR
               ('field name' comparator value)

      Observe the following SET_SUM_FILTER syntax rules:

      - This statement must begin in column one. Comment statements are indicated by an asterisk in column one.

      - You can use as many field name comparator value criteria as necessary, connected through any combination of logical AND and OR operators. Parentheses are needed only to clarify the desired logic when multiple AND and OR operations are specified.

      - Do not go beyond position 72 in a definition line. If the definition extends to a second line, split the text between words (not in the middle of a word). Leaving a blank in position one of the new line is recommended.

      - When a field name contains a blank, it must be contained within single quotes. If the field name does not contain a blank, the quotes are not needed.

      - For numeric fields, the comparator can be any of the common LE, LT, EQ, NE, GE, or GT comparison operators.

      - For character fields, use the INCL or EXCL operators to indicate that the following list of test values are to be either included or excluded respectively. Parentheses can be used around a list of test values, and are recommended for clarity when more than one value is given. However the parentheses are not required. Items in a list can be separated by commas or blanks. For example:

            'DATA SET NAME' INCL (PSS.A300./,SYS4/,DB2/)

      - Test values for character fields can be either exact character strings, or pattern strings. For patterns, use the question mark (?) to represent any variable character, and the forward slash (/) to match any characters that follow. For example, TSO?5/ accepts any character after TSO and any suffix after the digit 5.

      Note: For more information on wildcard characters, using quotes, and filtering, see the section Global Concepts, Functions, and Features in the CAVantage SRM User Guide.

    3. Customize the other FILTVIxx members to suit your installation.

      Note: For information regarding syntax rules, see the topic "Filter Syntax Rules" in the CAVantage SRM Reference Guide for more information.

  6. (SYSPROG) Identify the CA 1 Common Options Library.

    Specify CAVantage SRM system parameter CAPPOPT (dsname) with the name of your CA 1 common options library (the CAI.CTAPOPTN data set). CAVantage SRM needs to find this data set in order to retrieve various CA 1 option members.

  7. Configure TMCDSNB Script for Performance - DSNB Information.

    When displaying tape volume information, summary information about all the data sets on each volume is included. If this information is fetched using the native API to the Tape Management Catalog (TMC) at the time of the request (in real-time (RT) mode), it can take considerable time, depending on the number of data sets stacked on individual tapes (the number of DSNBs per volume).

    To speed up this process, you should use script TMCDSNB, which collects the summary information in advance, on a schedule you specify, and keeps it in memory. This memory copy is then used as the source of the DSNB summary information whenever a real-time (RT) view of the tape volume object is requested - dramatically improving performance.

    Note: Disk Checkpoint (DC) objects are provided for similar performance reasons and are the default mode whenever appropriate. However, real-time (RT) views of tape volumes are also needed at times, which is why this performance script should be used.

    The TMC DSNB performance script is TMCDSNB for CA 1 object Volumes (RT).

    To enable this performance related script

    1. Schedule when this script should run. To schedule when this script should run, do the following:

      Note: Run once every 24 hours after your daily TMC clean process has been completed.

      Use TSO/ISPF to edit the TMCDSNB member and set PERFORM_EVT_PROC to the desired day and time you want it to run. To do this, uncomment the statement that looks like the following, and specify the correct day and time. (Delete the asterisk in column 1, and ensure PERFORM … starts in the first column.) Valid values for the ON_DAY= parameter are: ALL, MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT, or SUN.

    2. Activate and Execute the script. To activate and execute the script, perform the following steps:

      1. Specify system parameter TMCPERFS (Y).

      2. Enter the following commands:


      Wait until the script completes execution before requesting the TMC volume object. The following console message is given when it ends:

      VAN0735I Automation Script SYSTEM TMCDSNB: Control returned from the Event Procedure

      After the above message is given, the DSNB data will be available in memory immediately, and the tape volumes object can be created and displayed much more quickly.

  8. (SYSPROG) Identify the CA 1 TMOSYSxx Member Name as follows:

    Specify CAVantage SRM system parameter CATMOSYS (TMOSYSxx) with the correct name of the CA 1 member containing its active system options. CAVantage SRM uses this to find and display the other CA 1 option members in the common options library.

  9. (SYSPROG) Grant Security Authority to Perform TMC Actions as follows:

    To allow users the ability to perform actions on objects residing in the Tape Management Catalog (TMC), you must give them authority within your security system to update the TMC data set.

    Note: For more information, see the topic “Security Topics” in the CAVantage SRM Reference Guide.

  10. Stop and Restart CAVantage SRM.

    CA GMI is up and running.

  11. Return to the section Install and Configure CA GMI and continue the rest of the setup. The instructions tell you how to start the Windows Client and create host definitions so that you can work with CA 1 objects described in the chapter "CA 1 Objects."