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How to Start the CA SDM Servers

Depending on your CA SDM configuration, complete the following actions:



Daemon Agent (pdm_proctor_nxd)

The daemon agent responsible for starting the managed daemons

Daemon Monitor (pdm_d_mgr)

Monitors daemon processes

BOP Virtual DB (bpvirtdb_srvr)

BOP virtual database server

Data Dictionary (ddictbuild)

Rebuilds data dictionary each time the system is started—this runs and then goes away

KPI Daemon (kpi_daemon)

Manages the collection, organization, and storage of KPI data.

Oracle agent (orcl_agent)

Agent for Oracle database—many instances, depending upon load

Oracle DB (orcl_prov_nxd)

Oracle database provider

SQL agent (sql_agent)

(runs only if you are using MS SQL)

Agent for SQL Server database—many instances, depending upon load

SQL DB (sql_prov_nxd)

(runs only if you are using MS SQL)

Microsoft SQL Server database provider

Event Manager (ehm_nxd)

Event manager

Message Dispatcher (sslump_nxd)

Dispatches messages

Notification Manager (bpnotify_nxd)

Manages notifications

Object Engine (domsrvr)

CA SDM Object Manager

Report Manager (pcrpt_nxd)

PC reporting

Software Version Control (pdm_ver_nxd)

Manages versions of specified system components

Method Engine (spel_srvr)

Spell code interpretation server

Text API (pdm_text_nxd)

Text API daemon for email and CA NSM interfaces

Timed Events/Notifications (animator_nxd)

Timed events and notifications

User Validation (boplgin)

User account validation

User Authentication (bopauth)

User account authentication

Web Engine (webengine)

Runs the engine for the web client

Archive Purge Daemon (arcpur_srvr)

Manages the background Archive and Purge processing

BU Daemon (bu_daemon)

Handles FAQ Rating calculation for Knowledge Documents

DB Monitor (dbmonitor_nxd)

Monitors CA common tables for changes

EBR Daemon (bpebr_nxd)

Handles knowledge search requests

EBR Idx Daemon (bpeid_nxd)

Handles EBR keyword indexing/re-indexing

KRC Daemon (krc_daemon)

Manages statistical calculations and notifications for the Knowledge Report Card

KT Daemon (kt_daemon)

Manages Knowledge Documents (KD approval process, permissions, notifications, and so on)

LDAP virtdb (ldap_virtdb)

Agent for communication with LDAP Servers

Mail Daemon (pdm_mail_nxd)

Handles outbound email notifications

Mail Eater (pdm_maileater_nxd)

Handles inbound email notifications

MDB Registration Server (mdb_registration_nxd)

Agent for handling MDB registration requests


Manages the Web Services requests

Repository Daemon (rep_daemon)

Handles attachment repositories

Spell checker (lexagent_nxd)

Handles spell checking requests

Time-to-Violation (ttv_nxd)

SLA Violation forecaster

tomcat controller (pdm_tomcat_nxd)

Manages Tomcat services

Note: In this table, the Notification Manager process applies only to the Windows environment and the Default DB process applies only to the UNIX environment.