CA SDM supports ITIL terminology for the Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) interface. This interface lets end users create Requests, Incidents, and Problems, and lets them search for the following ticket types:
Analysts can use the PDA interface. This interface honors the role present in the PDA Role field of the Access Type of the contact.
Displays the PDA Interface on all the unsupported devices and browsers.
Look up service for searching a contact works only on PDA browsers that support multiple tabs and multiple browser windows. Multi-tenancy works similar to the browser interface, but the drop-down list to select multi-tenancy is not provided. When you create the ticket, tenancy is based on the requestor, the affected enduser, and the analyst.
Automatic Priority Calculator (APC) helps in deciding priority while creating Incident/Problem, based on the attributes, urgency, impact, request area, and affected end user.
Note: An asterisk indicates a required field. For example, when you create a request, specify the Affected End User and Priority. The PDA Interface does not support attachments when you create tickets.
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