Use this grid to identify which Broadcom product release support Pervasive Encryption with IBM releases. If maintenance is required:
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IN PROGRESS | The validation of the product is in progress. |
NO | The release of this product will not be validated. |
YES | The product has been certified and is compatible. |
N/A | The compatibility does not apply. |
Product List
Please refer to the Product Lifecycle Page for additional information.Fix Category: CA.Function.Pervasive.Encryption.z/OS
CA Allocate supports PE as is out of the box with no required product changes. However to provide customers additional flexibility within CA Allocate, PTF SO04404 adds three new CA Allocate system variables to provide additional flexibility z14 does not provide.
Fix Category: CA.Function.Pervasive.Encryption.z/OS
See documentation for datasets that can be considered. 00000100
Fix Category: CA.Function.Pervasive.Encryption.z/OS
See documentation for datasets that can be considered.
Fix Category: CA.Function.Pervasive.Encryption.z/OS
See documentation for datasets that can be considered. 00000100
Fix Category: CA.Function.Pervasive.Encryption.z/OS
See documentation for datasets that can be considered. 00000100
Fix Category: CA.Function.Pervasive.Encryption.z/OS
See documentation for datasets that can be considered. 00000100
Fix Category: CA.Function.Pervasive.Encryption.z/OS
See documentation for datasets that can be considered. 00000100
Fix Category: CA.Function.Pervasive.Encryption.z/OS
CA Datacom (Versions 14.0, 15.0, 15.1) supports PE, as is, out of the 00000100 box for externally created user data files such as DBUTLTY BACKUPs and 00000200 EXTRACTs. For user data stored within the databases, we recommend 00000300 using the built-in Datacom encryption capabilities which exploit the 00000400 available crypto co-processors. For complete implementation recommen- 00000500 dations, see CA Datacom documentation or contact the CA Datacom support 00000600 team. 00000700 00000800
Fix Category: CA.Function.Pervasive.Encryption.z/OS
(to be provided shortly) box for externally created user data files such as DBUTLTY BACKUPs and EXTRACTs. For user data stored within the databases, we recommend using the built-in Datacom encryption capabilities which exploit the available crypto co-processors. For complete implementation recommen- dations, see CA Datacom documentation or contact the CA Datacom support team.
Fix Category: CA.Function.Pervasive.Encryption.z/OS
CA Datacom (Versions 14.0, 15.0, 15.1) supports PE, as is, out of the 00000100 box for externally created user data files such as DBUTLTY BACKUPs and 00000200 EXTRACTs. For user data stored within the databases, we recommend 00000300 using the built-in Datacom encryption capabilities which exploit the 00000400 available crypto co-processors. For complete implementation recommen- 00000500 dations, see CA Datacom documentation or contact the CA Datacom support 00000600 team. 00000700
Fix Category: CA.Function.Pervasive.Encryption.z/OS
Datacom (Versions 14.0, 15.0, 15.1) supports PE, as is, out of the 00000100 box for externally created user data files such as DBUTLTY BACKUPs and 00000200 EXTRACTs. For user data stored within the databases, we recommend 00000300 using the built-in Datacom encryption capabilities which exploit the 00000400 available crypto co-processors. For complete implementation recommen- 00000500 dations, see Datacom documentation or contact the Datacom support 00000600 team. 00000700 00000800
Fix Category: CA.Function.Pervasive.Encryption.z/OS
CA Datacom (Versions 14.0, 15.0, 15.1) supports PE, as is, out of the 00000100 box for externally created user data files such as DBUTLTY BACKUPs and 00000200 EXTRACTs. For user data stored within the databases, we recommend 00000300 using the built-in Datacom encryption capabilities which exploit the 00000400 available crypto co-processors. For complete implementation recommen- 00000500 dations, see CA Datacom documentation or contact the CA Datacom support 00000600 team. 00000700
Fix Category: CA.Function.Pervasive.Encryption.z/OS
CA Datacom (Versions 14.0, 15.0, 15.1) supports PE, as is, out of the 00000100 box for externally created user data files such as DBUTLTY BACKUPs and 00000200 EXTRACTs. For user data stored within the databases, we recommend 00000300 using the built-in Datacom encryption capabilities which exploit the 00000400 available crypto co-processors. For complete implementation recommen- 00000500 dations, see CA Datacom documentation or contact the CA Datacom support 00000600 team. 00000700
Fix Category: CA.Function.Pervasive.Encryption.z/OS
CA Datacom (Versions 14.0, 15.0, 15.1) supports PE, as is, out of the 00000100 box for externally created user data files such as DBUTLTY BACKUPs and 00000200 EXTRACTs. For user data stored within the databases, we recommend 00000300 using the built-in Datacom encryption capabilities which exploit the 00000400 available crypto co-processors. For complete implementation recommen- 00000500 dations, see CA Datacom documentation or contact the CA Datacom support 00000600 team. 00000700
Fix Category: CA.Function.Pervasive.Encryption.z/OS
Day one support using the USEDSSIO data mover.
Fix Category: CA.Function.Pervasive.Encryption.z/OS
Most of operational ESP data sets could be encrypted without changing ESP configuration. The only exception is the following ESP operational data sets and related utilities: APPLFILE CKPT EXH NETQUEUE QUEUE TRAKFILE ESP uses EXCP access method for them, and EXCP cannot be used for encrypted data sets. Therefore those data sets should not be encrypted.
Fix Category: CA.Function.Pervasive.Encryption.z/OS
Most of operational ESP data sets could be encrypted without changing ESP configuration. The only exception is the following ESP operational data sets and related utilities: APPLFILE CKPT EXH NETQUEUE QUEUE TRAKFILE ESP uses EXCP access method for them, and EXCP cannot be used for encrypted data sets. Therefore those data sets should not be encrypted.
Fix Category: CA.Function.Pervasive.Encryption.z/OS
The majority of Gen data sets are PDSEs, PDS, or temporary data sets. Only PDSEs are supported for Pervasive Encryption along with data sets created for Db2 Databases. Gen has been certified with Pervasive Encryption for PDSEs and Db2 v12 datasets with no required product changes.
Fix Category: CA.Function.Pervasive.Encryption.z/OS
CA Datacom (Versions 14.0, 15.0, 15.1) supports PE, as is, out of the 00000100 box for externally created user data files such as DBUTLTY BACKUPs and 00000200 EXTRACTs. For user data stored within the databases, we recommend 00000300 using the built-in Datacom encryption capabilities which exploit the 00000400 available crypto co-processors. For complete implementation recommen- 00000500 dations, see CA Datacom documentation or contact the CA Datacom support 00000600 team. 00000700
Fix Category: CA.Function.Pervasive.Encryption.z/OS
CA IDMS supports PE out of the box, for database and disk journal files, when VSAM is used as an access method. PE is supported for non-Database sequential work files, backups, and data extracts, when defined to PE requirements. See IBM documentation for PE requirements. For implementation recommendations, see CA IDMS documentation or contact the CA IDMS support team.
Fix Category: CA.Function.Pervasive.Encryption.z/OS
CA Datacom (Versions 14.0, 15.0, 15.1) supports PE, as is, out of the box for externally created user data files such as DBUTLTY BACKUPs and EXTRACTs. For user data stored within the databases, we recommend using the built-in Datacom encryption capabilities which exploit the available crypto co-processors. For complete implementation recommen- dations, see CA Datacom documentation or contact the CA Datacom support team.
Fix Category: CA.Function.Pervasive.Encryption.z/OS
See documentation for datasets that can be considered. 00000100
Fix Category: CA.Function.Pervasive.Encryption.z/OS
The CA Spool ESFSPTP backup/restore utility supports PE with no required product changes. CA Spool supports ICSF-based encryption of spool data-at-rest using IBM ICSF services for encryption/decryption. No CA Spool changes are necessary for JES2 sysout encryption support. All changes required are done in ICSF and the external security package. CA Spool uses EXCP to access checkpoint and spool datasets, which is CA Spool uses EXCP to access checkpoint and spool datasets, which is not supported by Pervasive Encryption. not supported by Pervasive Encryption. CA Spool support for ICSF-based encryption of spool data-at-rest CA Spool support for ICSF-based encryption of spool data-at-rest using IBM ICSF services for encryption/decryption has been using IBM ICSF services for encryption/decryption has been available since release 11.6. available since release 11.6.
Fix Category: CA.Function.Pervasive.Encryption.z/OS
See documentation for datasets that can be considered.
Fix Category: CA.Function.Pervasive.Encryption.z/OS
See documentation for datasets that can be considered. 00000100
Fix Category: CA.Function.Pervasive.Encryption.z/OS
Tests can be run on encrypted files, but the test stream file itself can not be encrypted.
Fix Category: CA.Function.Pervasive.Encryption.z/OS
Fix Category: CA.Function.Pervasive.Encryption.z/OS
Fix Category: CA.Function.Pervasive.Encryption.z/OS
Fix Category: CA.Function.Pervasive.Encryption.z/OS
Fix Category: CA.Function.Pervasive.Encryption.z/OS
Fix Category: CA.Function.Pervasive.Encryption.z/OS
Fix Category: CA.Function.Pervasive.Encryption.z/OS
Fix Category: CA.Function.Pervasive.Encryption.z/OS
This page last updated 5 Feb 2025 03:05:05