Use this grid to identify which Broadcom product releases are compatible. If maintenance is required:
Launch Mainframe Compatibility Main Page
The following grid contains a list of all Broadcom mainframe products and releases. The column values include:
IN PROGRESS | The validation of the product is in progress. |
NO | The release of this product will not be validated. |
YES | The product has been certified and is compatible. |
N/A | The compatibility does not apply. |
Product List
Please refer to the Product Lifecycle Page for additional information.Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V13
All jobs currently using DB2 require both SDSNLOAD and SDSNEXIT to be part of the STEPLIB and/or JOBLIB if they are not in the LINKLIST. Creating multiple tables in a tablespace will cause a SQLCODE -646 on the second create table command. See KB-245524 for more details and the necessary BIND statements to allow the installation. The new BIND packages defined in the above KB include the APPLCOMPAT(V12R1M503) parameter. This parameter allows multiple tables in a tablespace.
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V11
DB2 11.1 NFM and CM modes are supported with CA Compress Data Compressio for DB2 release 3.2.0. APAR QO90565 must be applied to support the changes to the DB2 catalog introduced with DB2 8.1. APAR RO64830 must be applied to allow the IGVINITGETMAIN trap to be used. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS/NOTES: The BIND requires that the SSA0357 member be removed from the SSA0310 plan in order to generate a successful bind. The DBRMLIB's SSA0357 member is empty, and DB2 11 cannot generate a successful bind to an empty member.
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V12
This release provides ongoing support for Db2 12 continuous delivery.
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V13
All jobs currently using DB2 require both SDSNLOAD and SDSNEXIT to be part of the STEPLIB and/or JOBLIB if they are not in the LINKLIST. Creating multiple tables in a tablespace will cause a SQLCODE -646 on the second create table. ReBIND packages with the APPLCOMPAT(V12R1M503) parameter and it will allow mutliple tables in a tablespace.
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V12
Gen 8.6 GA Host Encyclopedia, z/OS Implementation Toolset and Runtime DBRMs were built using Db2 V11. Gen 8.6 Upgrade PTFs deliver Host Encyclopedia, z/OS Implementation Toolset and Runtime DBRMs built using Db2 V12. To install the Upgrade PTFs Db2 must be V12, or compatible supported version, to enable the BIND of the supplied DBRMs.
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V11
Gen 8.6 GA Host Encyclopedia, z/OS Implementation Toolset and Runtime DBRMs were built using Db2 V11. Gen 8.6 Upgrade PTFs deliver Host Encyclopedia, z/OS Implementation Toolset and Runtime DBRMs built using Db2 V12. To install the Upgrade PTFs Db2 must be V12, or compatible supported version, to enable the BIND of the supplied DBRMs.
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V13
All jobs currently using DB2 require both SDSNLOAD and SDSNEXIT to be part of the STEPLIB and/or JOBLIB if they are not in the LINKLIST. Creating multiple tables in a tablespace will cause a SQLCODE -646 on the second create table. ReBIND packages with the APPLCOMPAT(V12R1M503) parameter and it will allow mutliple tables in a tablespace.
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V11
CICS TS 5.3,5.2, and 5.1 dropped support of DCT and RCT. Please refer to RI53592.
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V13
CA MAT v12 supports DB2 v13 with additional PTF. Please apply LU06764.
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V12
CA MAT v12 supports DB2 v12 with additional PTF. Please apply RO95427.
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V13
The following link contains compatibility details: Compatibility
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V12
The following link contains compatibility details: Compatibility
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V11
The following link contains compatibility details: Compatibility
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V13
The following link contains compatibility details: Compatibility
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V12
The following link contains compatibility details: Compatibility
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V11
The following link contains compatibility details: Compatibility
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V13
The following are required for DB2 13: CA Ramis r7.4 SP3 with solution QO37514
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V12
The following are required for DB2 12: CA Ramis r7.4 SP3 with solution QO37514
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V11
The following are required for DB2 11: CA Ramis r7.4 SP3 with solution QO37514
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V13
PTFs LU09000 and LU08999 deliver DB2 13 toleration support for the ''CA Repository for z/OS r7.2''. Refer to Knowledge Base Article KB000259178 for more information. ca-repository-db2-13-updates.html
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V12
PTFs SO00627 and SO00628 deliver DB2 12 toleration support for the 'CA Repository for z/OS r7.2'. Refer to Knowledge Base Article KB000072520 for more information.
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V11
DB2 V11 Support is enabled with RO64535.
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V13
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V12
CA Vantage Storage Resource Manager 12.6 - EOS 15 JUN 2018
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V13
All jobs currently using DB2 require both SDSNLOAD and SDSNEXIT to be part of the STEPLIB and/or JOBLIB if they are not in the LINKLIST. Creating multiple tables in a tablespace will cause a SQLCODE -646 on the second create table. ReBIND packages with the APPLCOMPAT(V12R1M503) parameter and it will allow mutliple tables in a tablespace.
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V13
This product is End of Life (EOL) and compatability testing has been curtailed.
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V11
DB2 11 NFM and CM modes are supported with VISION:Inform Interface to DB2 release 4.0.
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V13
This product is at End of Life (EOL) and is not supported on this versio
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V13
All jobs currently using DB2 require both SDSNLOAD and SDSNEXIT to be part of the STEPLIB and/or JOBLIB if they are not in the LINKLIST. APARs RO38287 and RO40619 are required. Creating multiple tables in a tablespace will cause a SQLCODE -646 on the second create table. ReBIND packages with the APPLCOMPAT(V12R1M503) parameter and it will allow mutliple tables in a tablespace.
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V12
APARs RO38287 and RO40619 are required.
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V11
APARs RO38287 and RO40619 are required.
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V13
All jobs currently using DB2 require both SDSNLOAD and SDSNEXIT to be part of the STEPLIB and/or JOBLIB if they are not in the LINKLIST. Creating multiple tables in a tablespace will cause a SQLCODE -646 on the second create table. ReBIND packages with the APPLCOMPAT(V12R1M503) parameter and it will allow mutliple tables in a tablespace.
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V13
All jobs currently using DB2 require both SDSNLOAD and SDSNEXIT to be pa the STEPLIB and/or JOBLIB if they are not in the LINKLIST. APAR RO61720 is required. Data types that are currently supported are documented in the 4.0 VISION:Interface for DB2 with VISION:Results Reference Guide Release pages 6-7 and 6-8. Examples of new, unsupported types include, but are not limited to, BIGINT, XML, and LOB (large objects) with DB2 11.
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V12
DB2 12 NFM and CM modes are supported with VISION:Results release 6.0 use of the COPYDB2 feature. APAR RO61720 is required. Data types that are currently supported are documented in the 4.0 VISION:Interface for DB2 with VISION:Results Reference Guide Release pages 6-7 and 6-8. Examples of new, unsupported types include, but are not limited to, BIGINT, XML, and LOB (large objects) with DB2 12.
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V11
DB2 11 NFM and CM modes are supported with VISION:Results release 6.0 use of the COPYDB2 feature. APAR RO61720 is required. Data types that are currently supported are documented in the 4.0 VISION:Interface for DB2 with VISION:Results Reference Guide Release pages 6-7 and 6-8. Examples of new, unsupported types include, but are not limited to, BIGINT, XML, and LOB (large objects) with DB2 11.
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V13
All jobs currently using DB2 require both SDSNLOAD and SDSNEXIT to be part of the STEPLIB and/or JOBLIB if they are not in the LINKLIST. Creating multiple tables in a tablespace will cause a SQLCODE -646 on the second create table. ReBIND packages with the APPLCOMPAT(V12R1M503) parameter and it will allow mutliple tables in a tablespace.
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V12
DB2 12 NFM and CM modes are supported with VISION:Results Interface to DB2 release 4.0. APAR RO40231 required to run the CNTLPREP job
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V11
DB2 11.1 NFM and CM modes are supported with VISION:Results Interface to DB2 release 4.0. APAR RO40231 required to run the CNTLPREP job
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V13
All jobs currently using DB2 require both SDSNLOAD and SDSNEXIT to be part of the STEPLIB and/or JOBLIB if they are not in the LINKLIST. Creating multiple tables in a tablespace will cause a SQLCODE -646 on the second create table. ReBIND packages with the APPLCOMPAT(V12R1M503) parameter and it will allow mutliple tables in a tablespace.
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V12
DB2 12 NFM and CM modes are supported with VISION:Results Interface to DB2 release 4.0. APAR RO40231 required to run the CNTLPREP job
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V11
DB2 11.1 NFM and CM modes are supported with VISION:Results Interface to DB2 release 4.0. APAR RO40231 required to run the CNTLPREP job
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V13
This product is End of Life (EOL) and compatability testing has been curtailed.
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V13
All jobs currently using DB2 require both SDSNLOAD and SDSNEXIT to be part of the STEPLIB and/or JOBLIB if they are not in the LINKLIST. Creating multiple tables in a tablespace will cause a SQLCODE -646 on the second create table. ReBIND packages with the APPLCOMPAT(V12R1M503) parameter and it will allow mutliple tables in a tablespace.
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V12
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V12
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V11
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V13
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V12
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V13
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V13
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V12
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V11
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V13
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V12
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V13
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V12
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V11
Fix Category: CA.TargetSystem-RequiredService.DB2.V12
This page last updated 13 Mar 2025 07:14:50