Previous Topic: Propagate JACC Data Constraint Policy Information to the SiteMinder JACC Provider

Next Topic: Verifying SiteMinder Agent Installation and Configuration

What to Do After Completing WebSphere-Side Configuration

After completing configuration of the SiteMinder Agent modules within WebSphere 7.0, perform a number of other steps to finalize SiteMinder Agent configuration.

To complete SiteMinder Agent configuration

  1. Log out of the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console.
  2. From a command line or shell in the WS_HOME/profiles/profile_name/bin directory, stop and then restart the WebSphere Application Server.

    To stop the server, navigate to the bin folder of the WebSphere profile and then enter the following command:

    stopServer server_name -username serveruserID -password serveruserpassword

    Specifies the name of the WebSphere server.


    Specifies the server user ID you entered when configuring LDAP as a WebSphere user registry.


    Specifies the server user password you entered when configuring LDAP as a WebSphere user registry.

    To start the server, you do not need a password:

    startServer server_name
  3. Redeploy any web applications that you want to protect that were deployed before installation and configuration of the SiteMinder Agent.
  4. To verify that everything is working as expected, view the log files of the SiteMinder Agent modules, Web Agent, and WebSphere (SystemOut.log, SystemErr.log). In the SiteMinder Agent and WebSphere log files, look for application server errors and errors that begin "SMINFO" to find problems related to the SiteMinder Agent.

    The WebSphere SystemOut.log and SystemErr.log file resides in:


    The logs should indicate that everything is working correctly. If the logs indicate problems, troubleshoot your configuration.

  5. Verify that your SiteMinder Agent is working correctly.
  6. Configure SiteMinder authorization policies, if necessary.
  7. Troubleshoot the configuration, if necessary.