The SystemEDGE agent can monitor Windows event logs for important event types, event identifiers, or events that match specific regular expressions. You configure the agent to monitor Windows event logs by creating entries in the NT Event Monitor table of the Systems Management Empire MIB. Creating Windows event monitoring entries lets you manage Windows event logs for critical events or those that require action. Because Windows events include several identifying characteristics in addition to the textual message, this monitoring capability lets you specify more sophisticated types of matches than basic log file monitoring.
When you create an entry in the NT Event Monitor table, the NT event monitors poll at regular intervals. The event type and source to monitor, the monitor severity, and a regular expression to match the event message text (including event ID). The agent monitors the Windows event logs and sends a trap when an event that matches the expression appears.
For example, you can configure the SystemEDGE agent to monitor the Windows Security event log for authentication failures.
Note: For more information, see the chapter “Windows Event Monitoring."
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