Use interactive mode to perform simple operations on a local or remote host or for testing small code fragments when you create scripted command sequences.
To use interactive mode
AutoShell prompts you for a user name and password. AutoShell then either performs an authentication check or stores the credentials for future use, such as authenticating to remote clients. This decision depends on the type of product integration.
caaipaomautoshell.exe -U bob -P mypassword
You specify the user name and password by using the –U and –P switches.
set CAASUSER=bob set CAASPASS=mypassword
The AutoShell prompt appears after a successful logon.
Specifies the local host name.
2+3 displays 5
AutoShell has an automatic result display that eliminates the need to use output commands at the command prompt for simple expressions. However, displaying the result of the expression in a script does require you to use an output command. See also the run-local command section.
quit exit
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