The SystemEDGE agent lets you dynamically monitor any integer-based MIB variable under its control. You use the Self Monitor table to specify the variable to monitor, the polling interval, a comparison operator (greater than, equal to, and so on), a threshold value, a severity, object information, and other values. The SystemEDGE agent automatically monitors that variable and sends a trap to the management system if the condition you specified is met.
Note: If monitors use the state model, SystemEDGE sends traps for the managed object and not for each defined monitor.
The SystemEDGE agent can maintain and update a state value for any self monitor you specify and use object class, instance, and attribute values to aggregate the status of an object with multiple monitors defined.
The agent can also run commands on the managed system to perform management functions to correct the cause of the exception immediately. For example, you can configure the agent to monitor the percent capacity for the root file system and to notify the manager if it becomes too full.
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