The SystemEDGE agent can monitor attributes of the listed types (INTEGER, GAUGE, COUNTER, and TIMETICKS) from supported MIBs or AIM implementations. The agent can monitor for user-defined thresholds and can report threshold breaches to the management system with a trap. Monitoring with the Self Monitor table lets you configure what to monitor, the exception conditions to report, and the severities of each condition.
When you create an entry in the Self Monitor table, you set the polling interval, comparison operator, threshold value, and severity, and the agent automatically monitors the MIB objects that you specify. The terms MIB object and MIB attributes are used interchangeably. The agent uses the provided severity value to determine the status of an object, and it can aggregate the status of objects with multiple monitors defined.
For example, you can configure SystemEDGE to monitor the used space on a particular file system. To monitor thresholds with multiple severities, you create several entries in as follows:
monitor devTableEntry 'C:' devCapacity 30 0x0 30 absolute >= 80 'C:' '' 'SysHealth' 'sysdrive' 'FS usage' ‘ok’
monitor devTableEntry 'C:' devCapacity 30 0x0 120 absolute >= 80 'Used space on C: drive' '' 'SysHealth' 'sysdrive' 'FS usage' 'warning'
monitor devTableEntry 'C:' devCapacity 31 0x0 120 absolute >= 85 'Used space on C: drive' '' 'SysHealth' 'sysdrive' 'FS usage' 'minor' monitor devTableEntry 'C:' devCapacity 32 0x0 120 absolute >= 90 'Used space on C: drive' '' 'SysHealth' 'sysdrive' 'FS usage' 'critical'
This example defines multiple entities with different severities for each threshold. The monitored object is defined by the parameters class (SysHealth), instance (sysdrive), and attribute (FS usage), and the status of this object is either ok (if no threshold is crossed) or minor, warning, or critical if the corresponding threshold is breached. Whenever object status changes, the agent sends a state change trap.
Note: For more information and detailed monitoring examples, see Self Monitoring chapter.
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